Map 2
Sections A, Aa, Bb
Information contained in reports are a timeline of occurrences for each property until 1899 - who conveyed, occupied etc. Complied from records at the Tasmanian Archives, Land Titles Office, Hobart Town Gazette Valuation Rolls and newspaper articles. This is a work in progress and will be continually added to and updated.
All sections below have been modified from the Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell (B38), AF819/1/27
View original map on the Tasmanian Archives website
[2-A] Schaw Street- 10a 1r 33p
Bounded on the North by fifteen chains and sixty-eight links westerly along Schaw Street from its angle with Wilmot Street; on the West by six chains and sixty-seven links southerly along Crown Land; on the South by fifteen chains and sixty-eight links easterly along land granted to James Scott and Patrick Wood respectively to Wilmot Street aforesaid; and thence on the East by six chains and sixty-seven links northerly along that street to the point of commencement - 10 acres, 1 rood, 33 perches. (1)
10 Aug 1854 - John White purchased crown land for £31 7s. (2)
7 Nov 1854 - The land was granted to John White. (1)
15 Mar 1855 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to John White upon receipt of £31 7s paid to the Crown. (1)
18 May 1858 - John White (owner), land, 32 acres, annual rateable value £20 - includes [1-A2], [1-A3]. (3)
15 Nov 1864 - John White (owner), land, 32 acres, annual rateable value £12 - includes [1-A2], [1-A3]. (4)
26 Feb 1867 - John White (owner), pastoral land, 32 acres, annual rateable value £12 - includes [1-A2], [1-A3]. (5)
19 Mar 1878 - John White (owner), allotments, 44 acres, annual rateable value £19-10s - includes [1-2], [1-A2], [1-A3], [1-A10]. (6)
13 Jan 1898 - John White conveyed to Arthur Augustus Allen. (7)
28 Mar 1899 - Unoccupied, Arthur Allen (owner, Hobart), land, 26 acres, capital value £250, annual rateable value £10 - includes [2-Aa1]. (8)
[2-Aa1] Schaw Street - 16a 0r 0p
Bounded on the West by thirteen chains and thirty-four links southerly along the West boundary of Bothwell township commencing at Adelaide Street; on the South by twelve chains easterly along Schaw Street; on the East by thirteen chains and thirty-four links northerly along Crown land to Adelaide Street aforesaid; and thence on the North by twelve chains westerly along that street to the point of commencement - 16 acres (1)
7 Aug 1849 - The land was granted to William Moyes for £48. (1)
8 Aug 1849 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to William Moyes upon receipt of £48 duly paid to the Crown. (1)
18 May 1858 - William Moyes (owner), land, 16 acres, annual value £8. (2)
20 Nov 1860 - William Moyes (owner), land, 16 acres, annual value £8. (3)
15 Nov 1864 - William Moyes (owner), cultivated land, 16 acres, annual value £8. (4)
26 Feb 1867 - William Moyes (owner), agricultural land, 16 acres, annual value £8. (5)
26 Apr 1876 - William Moyes secured a mortgage of £120 from James Alfred Huybers and William Simmons Hammond with interest at the rate of £5 per annum, payable half yearly. (6)
Aft 29 Jun 1876 - The property was transferred to the mortgagees, James Alfred Huybers and William Simmons Hammond, upon the death of William Moyes. (6)
19 Mar 1878 - William Henry Jones (occupier), Moyes Estate (owner), land, annual value £8. (7)
19 Sep 1881 - James Alfred Huybers and William Hammond Simmons, conveyed to William Henry Jones for £100. (8)
Aft 19 Sep 1881 - William Henry Jones conveyed to William Jonathan Blake for £120, but a conveyance was never executed. (9)
16 Feb 1886 - William Blake (owner), land, 16 acres, annual value £8. (10)
19 Jun 1886 - William Jonathan Blake conveyed to Arthur Augustus Allen for £120. (9)
28 Mar 1899 - Unoccupied, Arthur Allen (owner, Hobart), land, 26 acres; capital value £250, annual value £10 - [2-A], [2-Aa1]. (11)
[2-Bb1, Bb2] Adelaide Street - 10a 1r 6p
Bounded on the South by twelve chains and sixty-four links easterly along Adelaide Street from its angle with Glebe Street; on the East by eight chains and fourteen links northerly along Macdowall Street; on the North by twelve chains and sixty-four links westerly along an allotment purchased from the Crown by William Chester to Glebe Street aforesaid; and thence on the West y eight chains and fourteen links southerly along that street to the point of commencement - 10 acres, 1 rood, 6 perches. (1)
10 Aug 1854 - Charles William Lewis purchased crown land for £48. (2)
19 Dec 1854 - Land granted to Charles William Lewis. (1)
19 Apr 1855 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Charles William Lewis upon receipt of £48 paid to the Crown. (1)
Bef 20 Nov 1860 - Charles William Lewis conveyed to Richard Wyatt, but a conveyance was never executed. (3)
20 Nov 1860 - Richard Wyatt (owner), land, 10 acres, annual value £5. (3)
15 Nov 1864 - Richard Wyatt (owner), allotment, 10 acres, annual value £1. (4)
26 Feb 1867 - Richard Wyatt (owner), allotment, 10 acres, annual value £3. (5)
11 Feb 1868 - Richard Wyatt (owner), allotment, 10 acres, annual value £3. (6)
19 Mar 1878 - Nathaniel Paul Allison (occupier), Richard Wyatt (owner, landlord), paddock, 10 acres, annual value £5. (7)
14 Jan 1890 - Richard Wyatt (owner), land, 10 acres, annual value £4. (8)
4 Aug 1891 - Charles William Lewis and Richard Wyatt conveyed to Gifford White for the sum of 5 shillings paid by Richard Wyatt to Charles William Lewis and £50 paid by Gifford White to Richard Wyatt. (9)
16 Feb 1892 - Gifford White Jnr (owner), land, 10 acres, annual value £4. (10)
28 Mar 1899 - Vincent Geard (owner), paddock, 10 acres, capital value £50, annual value £2. (11)
17 Jun 1904 - Gifford White conveyed to Vincent Geard for £60. (12)
[2-Bb3] Glebe Street - 10a 0r 0p
Bounded on the North by twelve chains and fifty links easterly along a location to Alexander Reid commencing at Glebe St; on the East by eight chains southerly along Crown Land; on the South by twelve chains and fifty links westerly also along Crown Land to Glebe St; thence on the West by eight chains northerly along that street to the point of commencement - 10 acres. (1)
2 Oct 1846 - The land was granted to William Chester for £30. (1)
20 Oct 1846 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to William Chester upon receipt of £30 paid to the Crown. (1)
Bef 18 May 1858 - William Chester conveyed to James Fisher, but a conveyance has not been located. (2)
18 May 1858 - Richard Allen, (occupier), James Fisher (owner), partly cultivated land, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (2)
30 Nov 1858 - Newspaper advertisement.
AUCTION. Tuesday, 7th December. Brent & Westbrook are favoured with instructions from the Trustees of the late Mr James Fisher to Sell by Auction, at the Castle Inn, Bothwell, on Tuesday, the 7th December, at 12 o'clock...
An allotment situate in the township of Bothwell, known as Chesterfield, and containing ten acres of first-rate land, fenced and cultivated. (3)
Bef 19 Nov 1861 - The executors of James Fisher conveyed to Richard Allen, but a conveyance has not been located. (4)
19 Nov 1861 - Richard Allen (owner), land, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (4)
17 Nov 1863 - Richard Allen (owner), cultivated land, 10½ acres, annual rateable value £5 - includes [1-H7, H8]. (5)
26 Feb 1867 - Richard Allen (occupier), executors of William Chester (owner), agricultural land, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (6)
19 Mar 1878 - Richard Allen (owner), arable land, 41 acres, annual rateable value £20 10s - includes [2-Mm], [2-Oo1-part]. (7)
27 Nov 1882 - The property measuring 24 acres, 2 roods, 24 perches was transferred from the estate of Richard Allen to his son, Arthur Augustus Allen. (8)
10 Dec 1891 - Certificate of Title registered to Arthur Augustus Allen. (9)
16 Feb 1892 - George Horne (occupier), Arthur Allen (owner), house, 10 acres, annual rateable value £15. (10)
28 Mar 1899 - William Henry Sealy (occupier), Arthur Allen (owner, Hobart), paddock, 10 acres, capital value £100, annual rateable value £4. (11)
1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), John White, p120/1855 (
2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 11 Aug 1854, p3 (
3. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John White, p700/1858 (
4. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John White, p2079/1864 (
5. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John White, p470/1867 (
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John White, p496/1878 (
7. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Arthur Augustus Allen, historic deed, no 09/8276.
8. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Unoccupied, p327/1899 (
1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), William Moyes, p200/1849 (
2. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Moyes, p698/1858 (
3. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Moyes, p1883/1860 (
4. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Moyes, p2078/1864 (
5. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Moyes, p468/1867 (
6. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, William Moyes, historic deed, no 06/1778.
7. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Jones, p495/1878 (
8. The List: Properties & Titles, William Henry Jones, historic deed, no 06/9016.
9. The List: Properties & Titles, William Jonathan Blake, historic deed, no 07/6475.
10. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Blake, p429/1886 (
11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Unoccupied, p327/1899 (
[2-Bb1, Bb2]
1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), Charles William Lewis, p155/1855 (
2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 11 Aug 1854, p3 (
3. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Gifford White, historic deed, no 08/8630.
4. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Wyatt, p1885/1860 (
5. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Wyatt, p2080/1864 (
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Wyatt, p471/1867 (
7. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Wyatt, p227/1868 (
8. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Nathaniel Paul Allison, p493/1878 (
9. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Wyatt, p177/1890 (
10. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Gifford White Jnr, p481/1892 (
11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Vincent Geard, p324/1899 (
12. The List: Properties & Titles, Gifford White, historic deed, no 10/9638.
1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), William Chester, p64/1846 (
2. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Allen, p696/1858 (
3. TROVE: The Courier (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), "Valuable Properties," Fisher 30 Nov 1858, p1 (
4. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Allen, p1693/1861 (
5. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Allen, p2127/1863 (
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Allen, p465/1867 (
7. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Allen, p493/1878 (
8. Libraries Tasmania: Copies of Wills Recording Granting of Probate, 1825-1989 (AD960), Richard Allen, no 2621/1882 (
9. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Arthur Augustus Allen, title historic, fol 81, vol 90.
10. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, George Horne, p479/1892 (
11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, W H Sealy, p327/1899 (