Map 1
Section L

Information contained in reports are a timeline of occurrences for each property until 1899 - who conveyed, occupied etc. Complied from records at the Tasmanian Archives, Land Titles Office, Hobart Town Gazette Valuation Rolls and newspaper articles. This is a work in progress and will be continually added to and updated.

All map sections below have been modified from the Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26
View original map on the Tasmanian Archives website

[1-L1, L2] High Street - 0a 3r 20p

Bounded on the North by three chains and sixty-four links easterly along Patrick Street commencing at the angle of that street with Michael Street; on the East by two chains forty-three links and one half of a link southerly along Lot 3 purchased by William Benmore; on the South by three chains and sixty links westerly along Lots 7 and 6 purchased by Eli Parker and Robert Blake respectively to Michael Street aforesaid; and thence on the West by two chains forty-three links and one half of a link northerly along that street to the point of commencement - 3 roods, 20 perches. (1)

18 Apr 1855 - Charles William Lewis purchased crown land for £23. (2)

7 Feb 1871 - Empty, Charles William Lewis (owner), allotments, 6a 0r 32p, annual value £1 10s - includes [1-A7]. (3)

14 Jan 1890 - Charles William Lewis (owner), land, 2 acres, annual value 10s - includes [1-K3, K4]. (4)

The following Inquisition of Escheat was recorded on a historic deed stating that Charles William Lewis was deceased at this time. However, this is incorrect as the following information confirms he died in Sep 1899.

26 May 1891 - An Inquisition of Escheat was recorded for the property belonging to Charles William Lewis who had died without heirs many years ago in the Colony of Victoria and that he was well entitled to the allotment or piece of land and that the same has become the property of Our Sovereign Lady the Queen by way of Escheat. (5)

4 Aug 1891 - Charles was recorded as living at Trawool in Victoria, and on this date was visiting Tasmania to convey the property [2-Bb1, Bb2] Adelaide St. (6)

11 Nov 1891 - The land was granted to Charles William Lewis, a gentleman, living at Trawool in Victoria. (1)

28 Mar 1899 - Unoccupied, Charles William Lewis (owner), land, 2 acres, capital value £ 50, annual value £2 - [1-K3, K4], [1-L1, L2]. (7)

8 Sep 1899 - Newspaper article.

A LITTLE STRANGE. He Sometimes was Found in the Yarra. The Coroner's Inquiry. Mr Morrison, district coroner, held an inquest at the Morgue this morning on the body of Charles Lewis, which was found in the Yarra, at Collingwood, on the 4th inst. Godfrey McDonald, engine-driver, residing at Clifton Hill, stated that he found the body of the deceased in the Yarra, near Dight's Falls, Collingwood, on the 4th inst. He reported the matter to the police. The body was fully dressed. Constable Nicholson deposed that he recovered the body and removed it to the Morgue. It was very much decomposed. He had made inquiries, and found that deceased had drawn £10 out of the Savings Bank on the 27th June, but witness had been unable to trace what had become of the money. Deceased, who had not been drinking, left his lodgings on the 29th June. Harriet Thompson, dairy-keeper, Clifton Hill, said that deceased, who was sixty-nine years of age, stayed at her place when he came to Melbourne. He left it on the 29th June last. He was sometimes a little strange in his manner, and went to the Hospital, but did not go in as a patient. Two days previous to leaving he had drawn £10 out of the Savings Bank for the purpose of paying a blll. Deceased had about £230 in the bank. He was very much depressed when he left on the 29th June. He had never threatened to take his life, but on one occasion had spoken about it being an easy place to go to Studley Park and roll down the bank into the Yarra. Deceased had a selection near Trawool. Dr Neild, who made a post-mortem examination of the body, deposed that the cause of death was drowning. The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that deceased was found drowned, but that there was no evidence to show how he got into the water. (8)

10 Nov 1899 - The Estate of Charles William Lewis became vested in the Curator of Intestate Estates in Pursuance of an order of the Supreme Court. (1)

17 Mar 1900 - Newspaper advertisement.

Friday, March 23. Property in Township of Bothwell. Roberts & Company Limited are instructed by the Curator to sell at Bothwell Yards, on account of the estate of C W Lewis, deceased, on above day, at 12 o'clock. An Allotment at angle of Patrick and Michael streets, containing 2r and 25p. Title - Land grant. Terms - Half cash at sale; balance on completion. (9)


[1-L3] High Street - 0a 1r 30p

Bounded on the West by two chains forty-three links and one-half link along Lot 2 commencing at the north-east angle thereof on Patrick Street; on the South by one chain and eighty-two links easterly along Lot 8; on the East by two chains forty-three links and one-half link along Lot 4 to Patrick Street aforesaid; and thence on the North by one chain and eighty-two links westerly along that street to the point of commencement - 1 rood, 30 perches. (1)

18 Apr 1855 - William Benmore purchased crown land for £10. (2)

20 Jun 1855 - The land was granted to William Benmore. (1)

29 Jun 1855 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded William Benmore upon receipt of £10 duly paid to the Crown. (1)

Bef 15 Nov 1864 - William Benmore conveyed to Thomas James, but a conveyance has not been located. (3)

15 Nov 1864 - Thomas James (owner), allotment, annual value £2. (4)

8 Mar 1865 - Newspaper advertisement.

REAL PROPERTY ACT. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the land set forth and described before his name brought under the operation of "The Real Property Act:" Notice is hereby given that, unless caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate their interest in the said lands, on or before the date herein below for each case specified, the said pieces of land will be brought under the operation of the said Act as by law directed.
Bothwell - Lot 3, Section L, 0a 1r 30p. Fronting upon Patrick-street, adjoining lands owned or occupied by William Horne, Isaac Blake and Charles Lewis respectively.
Originally granted to William Benmore. Thomas James, 1st of April, 1865.

3 Apr 1865 - Certificate of Title registered to Thomas James. (5)

26 Feb 1867 - Thomas James (owner, occupier), house, annual value £8. (6)

1 Mar 1870 - Thomas James (owner, occupier), house, ground, annual value £8. (7)

30 Jan 1877 - Mrs Ann James (owner, occupier), house, annual value £7. (8)

2 Oct 1877 - The property was transferred from the estate of Thomas James to his wife Ann (Smith) James. (5)

12 Oct 1877 - Newspaper advertisement.

APPLICATION TO BE REGISTERED AS PROPRIETOR. Whereas the persons named at the foot hereof have applied to be registered as Proprietors of the Lands set forth and described before their names: Notice is hereby given that unless Caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles by some person having estate or interest in the said Lands, on or before the date herein below specified, the said applicants will be registered as proprietors of the said pieces of land as by law directed. Bothwell. Lot 3, Section L - 0a 1r 30p. Bounded by Lots 2, 4 and 8, and Patrick Street. Originally granted to William Benmore, and registered in the name of Thomas James. Ann James, (Application No 128), 10th November, 1877. (9)

16 Nov 1877 - Certificate of Title registered to Ann (Smith) James, a widow living in Bothwell. (10)

19 Mar 1878 - Mrs Ann James (owner, occupier), house, annual value £7. (11)

5 Jul 1884 - [1-L3.2] Patrick St - Ann (Smith) James conveyed the 17½ perch property to George Wilby (the younger) for £15. (10)

25 Jun 1885 - [1-L3.1] Patrick St - Certificate of Title registered to Ann (Smith) James for the property measuring 1 rood, 12½ perches. (12)


[1-L3.1] High Street - 0a 1r 12½p

Bounded on the West by two chains forty-three links and one half of a link southerly along Lot 2 commencing at the north-east angle thereof on Patrick Street; on the South by one chain eighty-two links easterly along Lot 8; on the East by one chain and twenty-one links and three-quarters of a link northerly along part of Lot 4; on the northern by ninety-one links westerly along land belonging to George Wilby; again on the East by one chain twenty-one links and three-quarters of a link northerly along the last mentioned land to Patrick Street aforesaid; and thence again on the North by ninety-one links westerly along that street to the point of commencement - 1 rood, 12½ perches. (1)

25 Jun 1885 - Certificate of Title registered to Ann (Smith) James, a widow living in Bothwell. (1)

23 Mar 1892 - Ann (Smith) James conveyed to Jemima Blanche (Gaby) Evans for £60. (1)

2 Apr 1892 - Certificate of Title registered to Jemima Blanche (Gaby) Evans, a widow living in Bothwell. (2)

22 Feb 1898 - Mrs Ann James (occupier), Mrs Jemima Evans (owner), house, annual value £9. (3)

28 Mar 1899 - Mrs Ann James (occupier), Mrs Jemima Evans (owner), cottage, land, capital value £ 150, annual value £9. (4)


[1-L3.2] High Street - 0a 0r 17½p

Bounded on the East by one chain twenty-one links and three quarters of one link southerly along part of Lot 4 commencing at the north-west angle thereof on Patrick Street; on the South by ninety one links westerly along land belonging to the said Ann James; on the west by one chain twenty-one links and three quarters of one link northerly along the last mentioned land to Patrick Street aforesaid; and thence on the North by ninety-one links easterly along that street to the point of commencement - 17½ perches. (1)

30 May 1885 - Ann (Smith) James conveyed to George Wilby (the younger) for £15. (2)

25 Jun 1885 - Certificate of Title registered to George Wilby, the Younger, a farmer living in Bothwell. (1)


[1-L4] Patrick Street - 0a 1r 30p

Bounded on the West by two chains forty-three links and one half of a link southerly along Lot 3 commencing at the north-east angle thereof on Patrick Street; on the South by one chain eighty-two links or thereabouts easterly along Lot 9; on the East by two chains forty-three links and one half of a link northerly along Lot 5 to Patrick Street aforesaid; and thence on the North by one chain eighty-two links westerly along that street to the point of commencement - 1 rood, 30 perches. (1)

18 Apr 1855 - Robert Blake purchased crown land for £10. (2)

20 Jun 1855 - The land was granted to Robert Blake. (3)

28 Jun 1855 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Robert Blake upon receipt of £10 duly paid to the Crown. (3)

18 May 1858 - Benjamin Smith (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £15. (4)

19 Nov 1861 - John Miller (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £15. (5)

17 Nov 1863 - John Miller (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, ground, annual value £15. (6)

15 Nov 1864 - Ellis Love and Abraham Stannard (occupiers), Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £15. (7)

26 Feb 1867 - John Smith (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), part of house, annual value £5. (8)

26 Feb 1867 - Ellis Love (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), part of house, ground, annual value £7 10s. (9)

3 Feb 1874 - Empty, Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £5. (10)

7 Mar 1877 - Newspaper advertisement.

PROPERTIES AT BOTHWELL, belonging to the Estate of the late Mr Robert Blake. Roberts & Co. By order of the Trustee to the Estate of the late Mr Robert Blake (with consent of all parties interested), sale to take place at the Yards of Mr Joseph Blake, Bothwell, at 11 sharp…
Weatherboarded house and land in Patrick-street, with a quarter of an acre of land, fenced in.

26 May 1877 - Executors of Robert Blake conveyed to Rampling John Bale for £55 however a conveyance never took place. (1)

19 Mar 1878 - William Bale (occupier), Rampling John Bale (owner), house, annual value £7. (12)

15 Mar 1885 - Rampling John Bale, with approval of the executors of Robert Blake, conveyed to Ann (Keris) Lacey for £60. (1)

5 Oct 1885 - The property was transferred from the estate of Ann (Keris) Lacey to her nephews, James and William Hunt. (13)

1888 - James and William Hunt transferred the property to their sister, Annie (Hunt) Purcell, but no conveyance was executed at the time. (13)

14 Jan 1890 - George Jones (occupier), Mrs Ann Lacey's Estate (owners), house, annual rateable value £10. (14)

28 Mar 1899 - William Purcell (occupier), executors of Mrs Ann Lacey (owners), cottage, land, capital value £150, annual rateable value £9. (15)

14 Jan 1902 - James Brown (occupier), Mrs Annie Purcell (owner), cottage, land, capital value £100, annual rateable value £6. (16)

23 Dec 1907 - [1-L4] Patrick St. James and William Hunt conveyed to their sister, Annie (Hunt) Purcell, with natural love and affection. (13)


[1-L5, L10] Patrick Street - 0a 3r 20p

Bounded on the East by four chains and eighty-seven links southerly along Mary Street from its angle with Patrick Street; on the South by one chain and eighty-two links westerly along High Street; on the West by four chains and eighty-seven links northerly along Lots 9 and 4 to Patrick Street aforesaid; and thence on the North by one chain and eighty-two links easterly along that street to the point of commencement - 3 roods, 20 perches. (1)

18 Apr 1855 - Edward Andrews purchased crown land for £21 9s. (2)

18 Jun 1855 - The land was granted to Edward Andrews. (1)

20 Jun 1855 - Deed Grant enrolled and recorded to Edward Andrews upon receipt of £21 10s duly paid to the Crown. (1)

18 May 1858 - Edward Andrews (owner), grass paddock, 2½ acres, annual value £5 - includes [1-B6-part]. (3)

19 Nov 1861 - Edward Andrews (owner), grass paddock, 2½ acres, annual value £5 - includes [1-B6-part]. (4)

15 Nov 1864 - Edward Andrews (owner), cultivated land, grass paddocks, 11½ acres, annual value £10 - includes [1-B6-part], [1-31-part]. (5)

26 Feb 1867 - Edward Andrews (owner), grass paddock, 11½ acres, annual value £5 - includes [1-B6-part]. (6)

1 Mar 1871 - The property was transferred from the estate of Edward Andrews to his wife, Catherine (Curtin) Andrews, and his son, Charles Edward Andrews. (7)

31 Jan 1879 - Newspaper advertisement.

FOR SALE. Properties in Bothwell. Roberts & Co are instructed to sell at their mart, on Tuesday, February 25, at 12 o'clock, the following Valuable Property in Bothwell…
A small paddock of seven-eighths of an acre near Enfield, having frontages on Patrick, High and Mary streets.
Terms - 25 per cent, deposit; balance at four, eight, and twelve months, by bills bearing 6 percent, interest, secured on the property. Reference - Messrs Roberts and Allport, or the Auctioneers.

12 Mar 1891 - Newspaper advertisement.

AUCTION. Valuable Property at Bothwell. Westbrook, Abbott & Co are favoured with instructions from Mrs Andrews, to sell by auction, at Bothwell, on Thursday, March 26, prior to their sale of stock, the following Valuable Property at Bothwell…
Known as Little Enfield, containing 0a 3r 20p, with frontages on Patrick, Mary, and High streets.
Terms - One-third cash deposit, the balance on completion. Reference to Messrs Dobson, Mitchell, and Allport, Solicitors.

13 Mar 1892 - The property was transferred from the estate of Catherine (Curtin) Andrews to her son, Charles Edward Andrews. (10)

20 Sep 1894 - Charles Edward Andrews conveyed to William Westell for £26. (10)

28 Mar 1899 - William Westell (owner), land, 3 acres, capital value £250, annual value £15 - includes [1-J3, J4, J5]. (11)


[1-L6] High Street - 0a 1r 30p

Bounded on the West by two chains forty-three links and one half link along Michael Street from its angle with High Street; on the North by one chain eighty-two links easterly along Lot 1; on the East by two chains forty-three links and one half link southerly along Lot 7 to High Street aforesaid; and thence on the South by one chain and eighty-two links along that street to the point of commencement - 1 rood, 30 perches. (1)

18 Apr 1855 - Robert Blake purchased crown land for £12. (2)

20 Jun 1855 - The land was granted to Robert Blake. (1)

27 Jun 1855 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Robert Blake upon receipt of £12 duly paid to the Crown. (1)

6 Dec 1859 - Henry Craig (occupier, inserted), Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £10. (3)

15 Nov 1864 - Henry Craig (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, ground, annual value £10. (4)

1867 - Residence of Henry Craig, a wood and water carrier. (5)

26 Feb 1867 - Henry Craig (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, ground, annual value £10. (6)

11 Feb 1868 - Henry Craig (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, garden, annual value £10. (7)

7 Feb 1871 - Edward Smith (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, garden, annual value £6. (8)

11 Mar 1873 - Daniel Gibbons (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £6. (9)

3 Feb 1874 - Empty, executors of Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £6. (10)

8 Sep 1874 - Empty (erased), executors of Robert Blake (owners), house, annual value £6. (11)

8 Sep 1874 - Maria Burrows (occupier, inserted), executors of Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £6. (12)

30 Jan 1877 - John Metcalfe (occupier), executors of Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £8. (13)

7 Mar 1877 - Newspaper advertisement.

FOR SALE. PROPERTIES AT BOTHWELL, belonging to the Estate of the late Mr Robert Blake. Roberts & Co. By order of the Trustee to the Estate of the l ate Mr Robert Blake (with consent of all parties interested), sale to take place at the Yards of Mr Joseph Blake, Bothwell, at 11 sharp…
Lot 3 - Weather-boarded cottage, with quarter of an acre of land, situated in High-street. Buyers are reminded that the sale will take place at the White Hart Yards punctually at 11. The properties are all let to respectable tenants, and most of them have very extensive frontages allowing space for building purposes.
Possession can be had in June next. Terms at sale.

Bef 19 Mar 1878 - Executors of Robert Blake conveyed to Isaac Avery - 0a 1r 30p (15).

19 Mar 1878 - George Horne (occupier), Isaac Avery (owner), house, annual value £6. (15)

25 Feb 1879 - George Horne (occupier), Isaac Avery (owner), house, annual value £6. (16)

28 Apr 1880 - Newspaper Advertisement.

REAL PROPERTY ACT. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the land set forth and described before his name brought under the operation of "The Real Property Act:" Notice is hereby given that, unless caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate their interest in the said lands, on or before the date herein below for each case specified, the said pieces of land will be brought under the operation of the said Act as by law directed.
Bothwell - 0a 1r 30p. Fronting upon High-street and Michael-street, adjoining lots 1 and 7 originally granted to Robert Blake.
Isaac Avery (Application 1990), 22nd May, 1880.

3 Aug 1880 - Certificate of Title registered to Isaac Avery, a shepherd living at Arthurs Lake. (18)

27 Jun 1885 - Isaac Avery conveyed to Robert Walter Nash Reardon for £35. (18)

2 Jan 1886 - Certificate of Title registered to Robert Walter Nash Reardon, a labourer living in Bothwell. (19)

14 Jan 1890 - Walter Reardon (owner, occupier), house, annual value £8. (20)

19 Feb 1895 - Walter Reardon (owner, occupier), house, garden, annual value £7. (21)

28 Mar 1899 - Walter Reardon (owner, occupier), cottage, garden, capital value £75, annual value £7. (22)

3 Nov 1914 - Walter Reardon (owner, occupier), cottage, land, annual rateable value £12. (23)


[1-L7] High Street - 0a 1r 30p

Bounded on the West by two chains forty-three links and one half link northerly along Lot 6 commencing at the South-East angle thereof; on High Street on the North by one chain eighty-two links easterly along Lot 2; on the East by two chains forty-three links and one half link southerly along Lot 8 to High Street aforesaid; and thence on the South by one chain and eighty-two links westerly along that street to the point of commencement - 1 rood, 30 perches. (1)

18 Apr 1855 - Eli Parker purchased crown land for £10. (2)

20 Jun 1855 - The land was granted to Eli Parker. (1)

2 Jul 1855 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Eli Parker upon receipt of £10 duly paid to the Crown. (1)

Bef 18 May 1858 - Eli Parker conveyed to Aaron Patient, but a conveyance has not been located. (3)

18 May 1858 - Aaron Patient (owner), allotment, annual value 10s. (4)

20 Nov 1860 - Aaron Patient (owner), house, land, annual value £6. (5)

19 Nov 1861 - Aaron Patient (owner, occupier), house, land, annual value £6. (6)

5 Aug 1863 - Newspaper advertisement.

REAL PROPERTY ACT. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the Land set forth and described before his name brought under 'The Real Property Act' : notice is hereby given that, unless Caveat be lodged with title Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate or interest in the said Lands, on or before the expiration of the period herein below for each case specified, the said pieces of Land will be brought under the operation of the said Act as by law directed. Diagrams delineating these parcels of Land may be inspected at the Lands' Titles Office, Hobart Town), and at the Police Offices of the various Municipalities and Districts in which the Lands are situated.
Bothwell - 0a 1r 30p. Fronting upon High-street. Originally granted to Eli Parker.
Aaron Patient. August 28th, 1863.

11 Aug 1863 - Certificate of Title registered to Aaron Patient. (3)

17 Nov 1863 - Aaron Patient (owner, occupier), house, ground, annual value £10. (8)

15 Nov 1864 - Aaron Patient (owner, occupier), house, annual value £10. (9)

1867 - Residence of Aaron Patient, a fencer. (10)

26 Feb 1867 - Aaron Patient (owner, occupier), house, ground, annual value £10. (11)

1 Mar 1870 - Aaron Patient (owner, occupier), house, ground, annual value £10. (12)

30 Jan 1877 - Aaron Patient (owner, occupier), house, annual rateable value £8. (13)

19 Mar 1878 - Aaron Patient (owner, occupier), house, annual value £10. (14)

21 Mar 1882 - Aaron Patient (owner, occupier), house, annual value £8. (15)

24 Feb 1891 - Aaron Patient (owner, occupier), house, annual value £8. (16)

28 Mar 1899 - Aaron Patient (owner, occupier), house, capital value £100, annual value £7. (17)

18 Jun 1904 - Property transferred from the estate of Aaron Patient to his son, William Patient (3).


[1-L8, L9] High Street - 0a 3r 20p

Bounded on the West by two chains forty-three links and one half link northerly along Lot 7 commencing at the South-East angle thereof on High Street; on the North by three chains and sixty-four links easterly along Lots 3 and 4; on the East by two chains forty-three links and one half link southerly along Lot 10 to High Street aforesaid; and thence on the South by three chains and sixty-four links westerly along that street to the point of commencement - 3 roods, 20 perches. (1)

18 Apr 1855 - John Stevens purchased crown land for £14p. (2)

20 Jun 1855 - The land was granted to John Stevens. (1)

29 Jun 1855 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to John Stevens upon receipt of £14 duly paid to the Crown. (1)

31 Jul 1857 - John Stevens conveyed to John Bale for £47. (3)

19 Nov 1861 - John Bale (owner), cultivated land, 1 acre, annual value £1. (4)

15 Nov 1864 - John Bale (owner), cultivated land, 1 acre, annual value £1. (5)

26 Feb 1867 - John Bale (owner), cultivated land, 1 acre, annual value £1 10s. (6)

27 Jan 1870 - Newspaper advertisement.

REAL PROPERTY ACT. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the land set forth and described before his name brought under the operation of "The Real Property Act:" Notice is hereby given that, unless caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate their interest in the said lands, on or before the date herein below for each case specified, the said pieces of land will be brought under the operation of the said Act as by law directed.
Bothwell - Section L, Lots 8 and 9 - 0a 3r 20p. Fronting upon High-street, and adjoining Lots 3, 4, 7, and 10. Originally granted to John Stevens.
John Bale, 19th February, 1870.

Feb 1870 - John Bale conveyed to Simon Arnett, but a conveyance has not been located. (8)

1 Mar 1870 - Simon Arnett (owner), barn, land, 5 acres, annual value £5 - includes [1-I1, I2, I3], [1-J6, J7, J8, J9, J10]. (9)

19 Mar 1870 - Certificate of Title registered to Simon Arnett, a storekeeper living in Bothwell. (8)

19 Mar 1878 - Simon Arnett (owner), barn, land, 2 acres, annual value £2 - [1-I1, I2, I3], [1-L8, L9]. (10)

16 Feb 1886 - Simon Arnett (owner), paddock, 1 acre, annual value 10s. (11)

4 Dec 1897 - Simon Arnett conveyed to The Perpetual Trustees Executors and Agency Company of Tasmania Limited for 5s. (8)

18 Apr 1917 - The Perpetual Trustees Executors and Agency Company of Tasmania Limited conveyed Lot 8 measuring 1 rood, 30 perches to George Henry Cooper for £16. (12)

18 Apr 1917 - The Perpetual Trustees Executors and Agency Company of Tasmania Limited conveyed Lot 9 measuring 1 rood, 30 perches to William Boyd Stuart for £16. (12)



[1-L1, L2]
1. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Charles William Lewis, land grant historic, vol 62, fol 144.
2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 19 Apr 1855, p3, c2 (
3. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Empty, p186/1871 (
4. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Empty, p174/1890 (
5. The List: Properties & Titles, Charles William Lewis, historic deed, no 08/6314.
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Unoccupied, p328/1899 (
7. TROVE: The Herald (Melbourne, VIC : 1861-1954), "A Little Strange," Lewis, 8 Sep 1899, p4 (
8. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), Property in Township of Bothwell, 17 Mar 1900, p6, c7 (

1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), William Benmore, p106/1855 (
2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 19 Apr 1855, p3, c2 (
3. TROVE: The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, TAS : 1835-1880), "Real Property Act Notices," James, 8 Mar 1865, p7 (
4. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Thomas James, p2065/1864 (
5. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Thomas James, title historic, vol 4, fol 117.
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Thomas James, p468/1867 (
7. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Thomas James, p358/1870 (
8. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Ann James, p188/1877 (
9. TROVE: Tribune (Hobart, TAS : 1876-1879), "Register of Proprietor," James, 12 Oct 1877, p4 (
10. The List: Properties & Titles, Ann James, title historic, vol 22, fol 94.
11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Ann James, p495/1878 (
12. The List: Properties & Titles, Ann James, title historic, vol 47, fol 102.

1. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Ann James, title historic, vol 47, fol 102.
2. The List: Properties & Titles,, Jemima Blanch Evans, title historic, vol 82, fol 170.
3. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Ann James, p507/1898 (
4. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Mrs A James, p325/1899 (

1. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Ann James, title historic, vol 22, fol 94.
2. The List: Properties & Titles, (, George Willby, title historic, vol 47, fol 101.

1. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Isaac Blake, historic deed, no 07/4632.
2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 19 Apr 1855, p3, c2 (
3. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), Robert Blake, p99/1855 (
4. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Benjamin Smith, p700/1858 (
5. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Miller, p1695/1861 (
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Miller, p2130/1863 (
7. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Ellis Love, p2077/1864 (
8. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Ellis Love, p468/1869 (
9. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Smith, p470/1867 (
10. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Empty, p208/1874 (
11. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Properties at Bothwell," Blake, 7 Mar 1877, p4 (
12. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Bale, p493/1878 (
13. The List: Properties & Titles, Annie Purcell, historic deed, no 11/7333.
14. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, George Jones, p175/1890 (
15. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Purcell, p327/1899 (
16. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, James Brown, p69/1902 (

[1-L5, L10]
1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), Edward Andrews, p75/1855 (/
2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 19 Apr 1855, p3, c2 (
3. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Andrews, p696/1858 (
4. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Andrews, p1693/1861 (
5. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Andrews, p2075/1864 (
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Andrews, p465/1867 (
7. Libraries Tasmania: Copies of Wills Recording Granting of Probate, 1825-1989 (AD960), Edward Andrews, no 613/1871 (
8. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Properties in Bothwell," 31 Jan 1879, p4 (
9. The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Valuable Property," Andrews, 12 Mar 1891, p4 (
10. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Charles Edward Andrews, historic deed, no 09/2612.
11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Wm Westell, p327/1899 (

1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), Robert Blake, p93/1855 (
2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 19 Apr 1855, p3, c2 (
3. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Henry Craig, p1557/1859 (
4. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Henry Craig, p2076/1864 (
5. MacPhail, MacPhail's Directory of Tasmania 1867-68, Henry Craig, p62/1867-68, Bothwell.
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Henry Craig, p466/1867 (
7. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Henry Craig, p222/1868 (
8. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Smith, p189/1871 (
9. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Daniel Gibbons, p250/1873 (
10. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Empty, p208/1874 (
11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Empty, p897/1874 (
12. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Maria Burrows, p898/1874 (
13. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Metcalfe, p189/1877 (
14. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Properties at Bothwell," Blake, 7 Mar 1877, p4 (
15. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, George Horne, p494/1878 (
16. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, George Horne, p372/1879 (
17. TROVE: Launceston Examiner (TAS : 1842-1899), "Real Property Act Notices," Avery, 28 Apr 1880, p1 (
18. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Isaac Avery, title historic, vol 29, fol 29.
19. The List: Properties & Titles, Walter Reardon, title historic, vol 50, fol 12.
20. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Walter Reardon, p176/1890 (
21. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Walter Reardon, p530/1895 (
22. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Walter Reardon, p327/1890 (
23. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Walter Reardon, p2010/1914 (

1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), Eli Parker, p110/1855 (
2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 19 Apr 1855, p3, c2 (
3. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Aaron Patient, title historic, vol 2, fol 103.
4. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patient, p699/1858 (
5. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patient, p1884/1860 (
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patient, p1696/1861 (
7. TROVE: The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, TAS : 1835-1880), Aaron Patient - Real Property Act Notices, 5 Aug 1863, p7, c1 (
8. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patient, p2130/1863 (
9. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patient, p2078/1864 (
10. MacPhail, MacPhail's Directory of Tasmania 1867-68, Aaron Patient, p64/1867-68, Bothwell.
11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patient, p469/1867 (
12. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patient, p359/1870 (
13. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patient, p189/1877 (
14. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patient, p495/1878 (
15. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patient, p660/1882 (
16. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patience, p488/1891 (
17. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Aaron Patient, p326/1899 (

[1-L8, L9]
1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), John Stevens, p27/1855 (
2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 19 Apr 1855, p3, c2 (
3. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, John Stevens, historic deed, no 04/4623.
4. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Bale, p1693/1861 (
5. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Bale, p2076/1864 (
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Bale, p466/1867 (
7. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Real Property Act Notices," Bale, 27 Jan 1870, p4 (
8. The List: Properties & Titles, Simon Arnett, title historic, vol 10, fol 133.
9. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Simon Arnett, p355/1870 (
10. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Simon Arnett, p493/1878 (
11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Simon Arnett, p429/1886 (
12. The List: Properties & Titles, Simon Arnett, title historic, vol 105, fol 161.