Bothwell Families

These pages provide a glimpse into the life of the Bothwell Families during the 1800s. You will find Family Trees and Individual Timelines which may not be exhaustive but will be updated as more research is conducted. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided.

John Stevens (1812-1890)
Elizabeth Schumack (1806-1893)

🏠Property History

John Stevens. 🧑🏻 Individual Timeline

b: abt 1812, Bristol, England; d: 21 Jul 1890, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bur: 23 Jul 1890, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.

Spouse - Elizabeth Schumack/Shoemaker (Geard) - see Geard page for more information on her first marriage to Samuel Geard.

b: 1806, place unknown; m; 30 May 1842, St Luke’s Church, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: 27 Jun 1893, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bur: 29 Jun 1893, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.

Children of John Stevens and Elizabeth Schumack:

  1. Mary Ann Stevens - b: 1 Feb 1843, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bap: 5 Mar 1843, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: 2 Apr 1912, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bur: 5 Apr 1912, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia. Spouse - George Denholm, son of George Denholm and Sarah Barnes, b: abt 1838, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bap: 29 Jul 1838, Currie Bank, Black Marsh, Tasmania, Australia; m: 7 Oct 1863, [1-9] Elizabeth St, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: 25 Feb 1884, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bur: 28 Feb 1884, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.

  2. William Stevens - b: 17 Oct 1844, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bap: 17 Nov 1844, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: 16 Aug 1868, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bur: aft 16 Aug 1868, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.

  3. Martha Stevens - b: 20 May 1847, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bap: 15 Aug 1847, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: 19 Sep 1927, Invermay, Tasmania, Australia; bur: 21 Sep 1927, Carr Villa Memorial Park, Kings Meadows, Tasmania, Australia. Spouse - Thomas Johnson, b: abt 1847, place unknown; m: 31 Aug 1875, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: 18 Feb 1915, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia; bur: 19 Feb 1915, Carr Villa Memorial Park, Kings Meadows, Tasmania, Australia.

Properties in Bothwell granted to John Stevens

For more information on these properties click on the links under each map.
Complete and downloadable maps of the township are on the Property History page.

Tasmanian Archives: Maps - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26 (modified)

Individual Timeline for John Stevens (1812-1890)

Abt 1812 - John Stevens was born at Bristol, England.

18 May 1835 - Quarter Sessions, Middlesex, England. Convicted of larceny - sentenced to 7 years transportation. Gaol Report - not known. Stated this offence - “Pledging tools, prosecutor Mt Mann, Paddington. Married, 1 child. Wife Charlotte with her mother Susan Jerome, Chelsea.”

16 Sep 1835 - Departed from Portsmouth, Hampshire, England on board the Bardaster bound for Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Hulk Report - good.

13 Jan 1836 - Arrived at Hobart, Tasmania, Australia after a voyage of 3 months, 29 days. Surgeon's Report - good.
Description upon arrival: Trade - carpenter & joiner; Height - 5' 4¼"; Age - 25; Native Place - Bristol.

27 Dec 1837 - Roadknight, Bothwell / Absent without leave - admonished.

6 Apr 1838 - On loan to Mr Synnot, Bothwell / Convicted of disorderly conduct in being in the township of Bothwell without a pass - 25 lashes.

9 Mar 1841 - Ticket of Leave approved.

18 May 1842 - Certificate of Freedom approved.

30 May 1842 - John Stevens married Elizabeth Schumack at Hamilton according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England by Banns; witnessed by Alexander Robertson and Margaret Hunt. John was aged 29, a carpenter and free; Elizabeth was aged 28, a widow and free.

1 Feb 1843 - Birth of daughter Mary Ann Stevens at Bothwell.

5 Mar 1843 - Baptism of his daughter Mary Ann Stevens at Bothwell.

17 Oct 1844 - Birth of his son William Stevens at Bothwell.

17 Nov 1844 - Baptism of his son William Stevens at Bothwell.

20 May 1847 - Birth of his daughter Martha Stevens at Bothwell.

15 Aug 1847 - Baptism of his daughter Martha Stevens at Bothwell.

Bef 1 Jan 1848 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - John purchased the property however a conveyance has not been located - 0a 1r 39½p.

1 Jan 1848 - Counted on the census living at [1-14] Elizabeth St.
John Stevens (owner, occupier), wood house, unfinished, inhabited.
Male (John Stevens), aged between 21 and under 45, married, free person, Church of England, mechanic/artificer.
Female (Elizabeth Stevens), aged between 21 and under 45, arrived free, Church of England, other class.
Male (Job Geard), aged between 7 and under 14, born in colony, other class.
Female (Geard), aged between 7 and under 14, born in colony, other class.
Female (Mary Ann Stevens), aged between 2 and under 7, born in colony, other class.
Male (William Stevens), aged between 2 and under 7, born in colony, other class.
Female (Martha Stevens), aged under 2, born in colony, other class.

16 Jan 1849 - Lower Court, Bothwell. John Stevens, free by servitude, can read & write.
Charged on complaint of the Chief District Constable with having disturbed the public peace in the public streets on the 16th January inst.

23 Oct 1849 - Newspaper advertisement.

DISTRICT OF BOTHWELL. We, the Undersigned Householders and Landowners in the district of Bothwell, do hereby convene a public meeting of the Householders and Landowners of the district, in the school-room, Bothwell, on Saturday, the 10th of November, at twelve o'clock for the purpose of electing road trustees, also to fix the rate of assessment to be charged upon and paid by the several owners and occupiers of lands, messuages, and dwelling houses within the district, and also to take into consideration the necessity of obtaining a new line of road through the estate of Woodlands, under the authority of the Act of Council 13th Victoria, No 5, intituled "An Act for making and maintaining the road leading from the township of Bothwell to the main road, and for making, repairing, and maintaining other roads in the district of Bothwell. Bothwell, 18th October, 1849... John Stevens.

18 Apr 1855 - [1-L8,L9] High St - John Stevens purchased crown land for £14 - 0a 3r 20p.

18 Jun 1855 - Named as having donated £1 to the Patriotic War Fund.

20 Jun 1855 - [1-L8,L9] High St - Land granted to John Stevens - 0a 3r 20p.

29 Jan 1856 - [1-L8,L9] High St - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to John Stevens upon receipt of £14 duly paid to the Crown - 0a 3r 20p.

31 Jul 1857 - [1-L8,L9] High St - John Stevens conveyed to John Bale for £47 - 0a 3r 20p.

18 May 1858 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - John Stevens (owner, occupier), house, workshop, annual value £20.

18 May 1858 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - Henry Hart (occupier), John Stevens (owner), house, annual value £9.

21 Dec 1858 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - Henry Hart (occupier, erased), John Stevens (owner), house, annual value £9.

21 Dec 1858 - [1-14] Elizabeth St, - Unoccupied (inserted), John Stevens (owner), house, annual value £9.

6 Jul 1859 - Named as having donated £1 to the Wesleyan Chapel building fund.

17 Nov 1859 - Witness at the marriage of Job Geard and Maria Blake at St Luke's Church, Bothwell.

26 Dec 1859 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - Job Geard (occupier, inserted), John Stevens (owner), house, annual value £9.

19 Nov 1861 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - John Stevens (owner, occupier), house, workshop, annual value £20.

19 Nov 1861 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - Job Geard (occupier), John Stevens (owner), house, annual value £9.

30 Jul 1863 - Juror at the inquest of James Faunch at Hermitage, near Bothwell who came to his death by accidentally falling on to a fire in his hut at the Shannon and was burnt to death.

7 Oct 1863 - Witness at the marriage of his daughter Mary Ann Stevens and George Denholm at his residence [1-14] Elizabeth St, Bothwell

14 Dec 1863 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - Land granted to John Stevens - 0a 1r 39½p.

16 Dec 1863 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to John Stevens - 0a 1r 39½p.

15 Nov 1864 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - John Stevens (owner, occupier), house, workshop, garden, annual value £20.

1867 - Lived at [1-14] Elizabeth St; occupation - carpenter and joiner.

26 Feb 1867 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - John Stevens (owner, occupier), house, workshop, garden, annual value £20.

26 Feb 1867 - [1-14] Elizabeth St, Bothwell. Empty, John Stevens (owner), house, ground, annual value £10.

28 Mar 1867 - Newspaper article.

PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL. The township of Bothwell usually so quiet, and it might be said monotonous in its every day life, expressed an agreeable change for the better on Saturday the 16th inst by the assemblage of its entire population as well as members from the surrounding neighbourhood to witness the interesting ceremony of laying the foundation stone of a new Sunday school-room by his Excellency Colonel Gore Browne, who with Mrs Gore Browne, Captain Steward and party, were on the return from an excursion to the country in the vicinity of the Great Lake. The Governor arrived punctually, according to appointment, at 1 o'clock and was conducted to the site by the trustees. The building being of a religious character, the Rev Mr Hesketh opened the proceedings with prayer. The Rev Andrew Blackwood reading the 104th psalm, after which an appropriate hymn for the occasion was sung by the children of the school and by many others of those present. A bottle containing the following inscription neatly engrossed on parchment was then deposited in the cavity of the stone by Mr Simon Arnett, a trustee: The foundation stone of this building to be styled "the United Episcopalian and Presbyterian Sunday school" was on this 16th day of March, AD, 1867, in the 30th year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, laid by his Excellency Colonel Thomas Gore Browne, CB, Governor in Chief, Vice Admiral &c, of Tasmania and its Dependencies Trustees, Archibald McDowall, Esq, Warden of the District; Mr Andrew Blackwood and Mr Simon Arnett, Superintendent of School, Mr Archibald McDowall, Teachers Mr William Stevens, Mr William Hughes, Miss Amelia Allen, Miss Jessie Moyes, Miss Emma Hughes, and Miss Sophia Whiteway. The visitors of the school being the Rev W M Hesketh, MA, and the Rev Andrew Blackwood, Presbyterian. Architect - E C Rowntree of Hobart Town. Contractors and Builders are Mr James Easton and Messrs Anderson and Stevens. Cost of building £220. Along with this document were deposited the following British coins, viz., one crown piece, one half-crown, one shilling, one sixpence, one four pence, one threepence, one penny, one half-penny and one farthing, also a copy of The Mercury newspaper, of this date, published at The Mercury Steam Press, Hobart Town. The corner stone having been then lowered into its place by the builders, Colonel Gore Browne striking it with the trowel in the usual manner declared it to be "well and truly laid." and in a most appropriate speech, which was listened to with evident satisfaction, expressed the pleasure he experienced in having had it in his power to lay the foundation of a building to be devoted to such a praiseworthy object as the religious instruction of the young, dwelling on the many advantages likely to result from the establishment of this and similar institutions throughout the country, and in language, which we cannot pretend to report correctly, expressed the warmest sympathy with the object for which the school was to be erected and heartily wishing it every success. A vote of thanks to His Excellency for his kindness in attending on this occasion was then proposed by Mr McDowall, and responded to by three cheers for the Governor, and three for Mrs Gore Browne. A collection was then made in aid of the funds, which was liberally responded to, not withstanding which the funds requisite for the completion of the work it was stated are still in arrears.

16 Aug 1868 - Death of his son William Stevens from inflammation of the brain at the age of 23 years at Bothwell which he registered on 17 Aug 1868.

1 Mar 1870 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - John Stevens (owner, occupier), house, workshop, garden, annual value £20.

1 Mar 1870 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - Empty, John Stevens (owner), house, annual value £10.

3 Feb 1874 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - John Stevens (owner, occupier), house, workshop, annual value £15.

29 Jan 1875 - Newspaper article.

CUMBERLAND ELECTION. To Maurice Weston, Esq. Sir, A vacancy having occurred in the representation of Cumberland by the resignation of John Swan, Esq, we, the undersigned, request that you will allow yourself to be put in nomination to till the vacancy... John Stevens.

31 Aug 1875 - Marriage of his daughter Martha Stevens and Thomas Johnson at his residence [1-14] Elizabeth St, Bothwell.

19 Mar 1878 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - John Stevens (owner, occupier), house, workshop, annual value £15.

7 May 1888 - [1-14] Elizabeth St - John Stevens conveyed to Mary Ann (Stevens) Denholm - 0a 1r 39½p.

14 Jan 1890 - [1-14] Elizabeth St, Bothwell. John Stevens (occupier), Mary Ann Denholm (owner), house, shop, annual value £14.

21 Jul 1890 - John died from a razor wound inflicted by himself while suffering temporarily from insanity at the age of 78 years at Bothwell.

23 Jul 1890 - Buried at Bothwell Cemetery.