Map 2
Sections A1, Gg, Hh
Information contained in reports are a timeline of occurrences for each property until 1899 - who conveyed, occupied etc. Complied from records at the Tasmanian Archives, Land Titles Office, Hobart Town Gazette Valuation Rolls and newspaper articles. This is a work in progress and will be continually added to and updated.
All sections below have been modified from the Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell (B38), AF819/1/27
View original map on the Tasmanian Archives website
[2-Gg1] Scott Street- 5a 0r 6p
Bounded on the South by two chains and eighty links easterly along Schaw Street from its angle with Scott Street; on the South-East by nine chains and fifty-six links north-easterly along crown land thence by a curved line along the Mount Adelaide Reserve; on the North by one chain and eighty links westerly along Adelaide Street to Scott Street aforesaid; and thence on the West by thirteen chains and sixty-one links southerly along that street to the point of commencement - 5a 0r 6p. (1)
10 Aug 1854 - Edward Andrews purchased crown land for £15 3s. (2)
28 Dec 1854 - The land was granted to Edward Andrews. (1)
19 Dec 1855 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Edward Andrews upon receipt of £15 3s duly paid to the Crown. (1)
18 May 1858 - Edward Andrews (owner), 54 acres, annual value £80 - includes [2-35], [2-A1], [2-Tt], [2-Zz]. (3)
19 Nov 1861 - Edward Andrews (owner), 54 acres, annual value £80 - includes [2-35], [2-A1], [2-Tt], [2-Zz]. (4)
15 Nov 1864 - Edward Andrews (owner), cultivated land, 5 acres, annual value £2 10s. (5)
26 Feb 1867 - Edward Andrews (owner), cultivated land, 5 acres, annual value £2 10s. (6)
26 Feb 1867 - William Jones (occupier), Edward Andrews (owner), house, ground, under 1 acre, annual value £5. (7)
1 Mar 1870 - Edward Andrews (owner), pastoral land, 35a 1r 29p, annual value £15 - includes [2-A1], [2-Tt], [2-Zz]. (8)
1 Mar 1871 - The property was transferred from the estate of Edward Andrews to his wife, Catherine (Curtin) Andrews, and son, Charles Edward Andrews.(9)
19 Mar 1878 - Empty, Mrs Catherine Andrews (owner), hut, annual value £5. (10)
31 Jan 1879 - Newspaper Advertisement.
FOR SALE. PROPERTIES IN BOTHWELL. Roberts & Co are instructed to sell at their mart, on Tuesday, February 25, at 12 o'clock, the following Valuable Property in Bothwell Township.
A grass paddock of five acres, adjoining the Barrack Hill, and having frontages on Scott, Adelaide, and Schaw streets.
Terms - 25 per cent, deposit; balance at four, eight, and twelve months, by bills bearing 6 percent, interest, secured on the property. Reference - Messrs Roberts and Allport, or the Auctioneers. (11)
12 Mar 1891 - Newspaper Advertisement.
AUCTION. Valuable Property at Bothwell. Westbrook, Abbott & Co are favoured with instructions from Mrs Andrews, to sell by auction, at Bothwell, on Thursday, March 26, prior to their sale of stock, the following Valuable Property at Bothwell.
Known as Jones’ Hut, containing 5a 0r 6p, and has frontages on Schaw and Scott streets, and on the Adelaide Reserve.
Terms - One-third cash deposit, the balance on completion. Reference to Messrs Dobson, Mitchell, and Allport, Solicitors. (12)
1 Dec 1891 - Catherine (Curtin) Andrews and Charles Edward Andrews conveyed to Charles Albert Nichols for £20. (13)
28 Mar 1899 - Charles Albert Nichols (owner), land, 5 acres, capital value £30, annual value £1. (14)
[2-Gg2] Schaw Street - 3a 3r 24p
Bounded on the East by nine chains and twelve links northerly along Lot 1 purchased from the Crown by George King commencing at the South-West angle thereof on Schaw Street; on the Northern side by an arc whose cord is two chains and forty-seven links westerly along Mount Adelaide Reserve; on the North-West by nine chains and fifty-six links South-westerly along an allotment purchased from the Crown by Edward Andrews to Schaw Street aforesaid; and thence on the South by six chains and thirty links easterly along that street to the point of commencement - 3 acres, 3 roods, 24 perches. (1)
13 Oct 1862 - The land was granted to Simon Arnett for £11. (1)
27 Oct 1862 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Simon Arnett upon receipt of £11 paid to the Crown. (1)
18 Dec 1862 - Certificate of Title registered to Simon Arnett, a storekeeper living in Bothwell.(2)
15 Nov 1864 - Simon Arnett (owner), allotment, 3¾ acres, annual rateable value £2. (3)
26 Feb 1867 - Simon Arnett (owner), allotment, 3¾ acres, annual rateable value £2. (4)
1 Mar 1870 - Simon Arnett (owner), arable pastoral land, 16¾ acres, annual rateable value £8 - includes [2-Xx, Yy]. (5)
19 Mar 1878 - Simon Arnett (owner), paddocks, 16¾ acres, annual rateable value £8 - includes [2-Xx, Yy]. (6)
18 Mar 1880 - Simon Arnett secured a loan of £300 from Frederick Synnot against five properties being [1-H3], [1-I8.1], [1-A16], [2-Gg2], [2-Xx, Yy] under Mortage No 2313. Rate of interest £8 per centum per annum payable half yearly on the 4th days of August and February. (2)
18 Nov 1885 - Upon the death of Frederick Synnot, Mortgage No 2313 against Simon Arnett and the Certificate of Title was transferred to his executors, William Nicholas, of Nant, and George William Fletcher, of New Town. (2)
16 Feb 1886 - Simon Arnett (owner), paddock, 4 acres, annual rateable value £1. (7)
11 Apr 1889 - The executors of Frederick Synnot endorsed the transfer of Mortgage No 2313 to the Perpetual Trustees, Executors and Agency Company of Tasmania Limited. (2)
14 Jan 1890 - Simon Arnett (owner), land, 26 acres, annual rateable value £8 - includes [1-H3], [1-A16], [2-Xx, Yy]. (8)
7 Jul 1916 - The Perpetual Trustees Executors and Agency Company of Tasmania Limited conveyed to Robert Swindells. (9)
10 Aug 1916 - Certificate of Title registered to Robert Swindells, a labourer living in Bothwell. (9)
[2-Gg3,Hh] Schaw Street - 9a 1r 31p
[4-Gg3] - Bounded on the North-West by an arc whose chord is two chains and thirty-eight links South-westerly along the Mount Adelaide Reserve commencing at its angle with King Street; on the Western side by nine chains and twelve links southerly along Lot 2 to Schaw Street; on the South-West by an arc whose chord is six chains and fifty links North-westerly along that street to King Street aforesaid; and thence on the North-West by seven chains and twenty-six links North-westerly along that street to the point of commencement - 3 acres, 3 roods, 20 perches.
[4-Hh] - Bounded on the Northern side by eight chains and twenty links westerly along Adelaide Street commencing at its angle with Wentworth Street; on the North-Western side by an arc whose chord is five chains and twenty links or thereabouts South-westerly along the Mount Adelaide Reserve; on the South-West by seven chains and twenty links South-easterly along King Street to Wentworth Street aforesaid; and thence on the South-Eastern side by twelve chains and fifty-five links North-westerly in two bearings along that street to the point of commencement - 5 acres, 2 roods, 11 perches. (1,2)
14 Jun 1848 - The land was granted to George King for £37 15s. (1,2)
20 Jun 1848 - Deed grant enrolled and recorded to George King upon receipt of £37 15s paid to the Crown. (1,2)
18 May 1858 - George William Ife (occupier), George King (owner), Barrack Hill, grass paddock, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (3)
21 Dec 1858 - George William Ife (occupier), George King (owner, erased), Barrack Hill, grass paddock, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (4)
21 Dec 1858 - George William Ife (occupier, inserted), Mrs Harriett King (owner), Barrack Hill, grass paddock, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (5)
20 Nov 1860 - George William Ife (occupier), Mrs Harriet King (owner), Barrack Hill, grass paddock, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (6)
19 Nov 1861 - George William Ife (occupier), Mrs Harriet King (owner), Barrack Hill, grass paddock, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (7)
15 Nov 1864 - James Dalwood (occupier), Mrs Harriett King (owner, Hobart), grass paddock, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (8)
Bef 13 Mar 1866 - Harriet Matilda (Unknown) King conveyed to James Dalwood, but a conveyance has been located. (9)
13 Mar 1866 - James Dalwood (owner), paddocks, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (9)
26 Feb 1867 - James Dalwood (owner), cultivated paddocks, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (10)
1 Mar 1870 - James Dalwood (owner), cultivated paddocks, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (11)
19 Mar 1878 - James Dalwood (owner), cultivated paddocks, 10 acres, annual rateable value £5. (12)
22 Mar 1881 - Richard Allen Jnr (occupier), James Dalwood (owner), land, 10 acres, annual rateable value £7. (13)
8 Nov 1883 - Newspaper advertisement.
REAL PROPERTY ACT. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the Land set forth and described before his name brought under the operation of ‘The Real Property Act,’ Notice is hereby given that unless Caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate or interest in the said Lands, on or before the date herein below for each case specified, the said pieces of Land will be brought under the operation of the said-Act as by law directed. Diagrams delineating these parcels of Land may be inspected at the Lands' Titles Office, Hobart Town, and at the Police Offices of the various Municipalities and Districts in which the lands are situated.
Suburbs of Bothwell - 5a 2r 11p - fronting on Adelaide-street, Wentworth-street, King-street, and on Mount Adelaide Reserve respectively. 3a 3r 20p - fronting on Mount Adelaide Reserve, King-street, and Schaw-street respectively, and adjoining Lot 2. Originally granted to George King.
James Dalwood, (Application 2,200), 24th November, 1883. (14)
Bef 4 Dec 1883 - James Dalwood conveyed to Isaac Blake. (15)
4 Dec 1883 - Certificate of Title registered to Isaac Blake. (15)
16 Feb 1886 - William Blake (occupier), Isaac Blake (owner), land, 10 acres, annual rateable value £7 10s. (16)
28 Mar 1899 - William Blake (owner), land, 10 acres, capital value £35, annual rateable value £7. (17)
5 Feb 1906 - Isaac Blake conveyed to Robert Swindells. (15)
7 Jul 1920 - Robert Swindells conveyed a portion of the land measuring 36 perches to the War Service Homes Commissioner for £20. (15)
Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), Edward Andrews, p153/1855 (
TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 11 Aug 1854, p3 (
FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Andrews, p696/1858 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Andrews, p1693/1861 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Andrews, p2075/1864 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Jones, p468/1867 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Andrews, p465/1867 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Andrews, p355/1870 (
Libraries Tasmania: Copies of Wills Recording Granting of Probate, 1825-1989 (AD960), Edward Andrews, no 613/1871 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Mrs Andrews, p493/1878 (
TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Properties in Bothwell," 31 Jan 1879, p4, c5 (
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Valuable Property," Andrews, 12 Mar 1891, p4 (
Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Catherine Edwards, historic deed, no 08/7563.
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, C A Nichols, p326/1899 (
Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), Simon Arnett, p154/1862 (
Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Simon Arnett, title historic, vol 1, fol 44.
FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Simon Arnett, p2075/1864 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, p465/1867 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, p355/1870 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, p493/1878 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, p429/1886 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, p173/1890 (
The List: Properties & Titles, Robert Swindells, title historic, vol 242, fol 55.
[2-Gg3, Hh]
Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), George King, p11/1848 (
Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), George King, p10/1848 (
FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, George William Ife, p698/1858 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, George William Ife, p1543/1858 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, George William Ife, p1544/1858 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, George William Ife, p1883/1860 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, George William Ife, p1695/1861 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, James Dalwood, p2076/1864 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, James Dalwood, p692/1866 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, James Dalwood, p466/1867 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, James Dalwood, p356/1870 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, James Dalwood, p494/1878 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Allen Jnr, p417/1881 (
TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Real Property Act Notices," Dalwood, 8 Nov 1883, p4 (
Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Isaac Blake, title historic, vol 40, vol 128.
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Blake, p429/1886 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Blake, p324/1899 (