Bothwell Families

These pages provide a glimpse into the life of the Bothwell Families during the 1800s.
You will find Family Trees and Individual Timelines which may not be exhaustive but will be updated as more research is conducted.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided.

Isaac Blake (1840-1906)
Rebecca Whiteway (1845-1935)

🏠 Property History

Family of Isaac Blake and Rebecca Whiteway

Isaac Blake, son of Robert Blake and Mary Bowden. 🧑🏻Individual Timeline

b: 2 Mar 1840, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (1); d: 28 May 1906, Bagdad, Tasmania, Australia (2); bur: 30 May 1906, Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (3).

Spouse - Rebecca Whiteway, daughter of Robert Whiteway and Ann Larkins. 👧🏻Individual Timeline

b: 24 Apr 1845, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (4); bap: 1 May 1845, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (5); m: 1 Jan 1863, St Luke's Church, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (6); d: 13 Mar 1935, Bagdad, Tasmania, Australia (7); bur: 14 Mar 1935, Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (8).

Children of Isaac Blake and Rebecca Whiteway:

  1. Edwin Blake - b: 15 Jan 1864, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (9); bap: 6 Mar 1864, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (10); d: 11 Jun 1934, New Town, Tasmania, Australia (11); bur: 12 Jun 1934, Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (12). Spouse - Euphemia Margaret Hughes, daughter of William Wood Hughes and Emma Harriet Cunningham; b: 4 Nov 1861, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (13); bap: 24 Nov 1861, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (14); m: 16 Nov 1892, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (15); d: 24 Jun 1937, Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia (16); bur: 25 Jun 1937, Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (17).

  2. Amy Blake - b: 29 Nov 1865, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (18); bap: 14 Jan 1866, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (19); d: 14 Aug 1952, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (20); bur: 16 Aug 1952, Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (21). Spouse - William Tasman Mason, son of William Mason and Mary Ann Squires, b: 3 Dec 1862, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (22); m: 30 Dec 1891, Holy Trinity Church, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (23); d: 14 May 1952, Bagdad, Tasmania, Australia (24); bur: 17 May 1952, Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (25).

  3. Frederick Blake - b: 17 Aug 1867, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (26); bap: 6 Oct 1867, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (27); d: 17 Jun 1875, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (28); bur: aft 17 Jun 1875, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (29).

  4. Frank Blake - b: 27 Oct 1874, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (30); bap: 20 Dec 1874, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (31); d: 29 Jun 1886, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (32); bur: 2 Jul 1886, Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (33).

  5. Harold Blake - b: 12 Apr 1878, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (34); bap: 31 May 1878, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (35); d: 15 Dec 1931, Bagdad, Tasmania, Australia (36); bur: 17 Dec 1931, Bagdad, Tasmania, Australia (36).

  6. Elsie Blake - b: 17 Aug 1880, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (37); bap: 19 Sep 1880, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (38); d: date and place unknown.

  7. Edith Blake - b: 24 Jan 1884, Bagdad, Tasmania, Australia (39); bap: 14 Mar 1884, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (40); d: 1 Mar 1885, Bagdad, Tasmania, Australia (41).

  8. Raymond Isaac Blake - b: 11 Aug 1886, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (42); d: date and place unknown.


Properties in Bothwell purchased by Isaac Blake

[1-E2] Patrick St

[2-Gg3,Hh] Wentworth St

For more information on these properties click on the links under each map.
Complete and downloadable maps of the township are on the
Property History page.

Tasmanian Archives: Maps - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26 (modified) & Bothwell 2 (B38), AF819/1/27 (modified)

Properties in Bothwell purchased by or granted to Rebecca (Whiteway) Blake

For more information on these properties click on the links under each map.
Complete and downloadable maps of the township are on the
Property History page.

Tasmanian Archives: Maps - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26 (modified)

Individual Timeline for Isaac Blake

2 Mar 1840 - Isaac Blake was born at Bothwell to Robert Blake and Mary Bowden.

1 Jan 1848 - Counted on the census living at [1-23] Alexander St, Bothwell.
Robert Blake (owner, occupier), brick house, completed, inhabited.
Male (Robert Blake), aged between 21 and under 45, married, free person, Wesleyan Methodist, mechanic & artificer.
Female (Mary Blake), aged between 21 and under 45, married, arrived free, Wesleyan Methodist, other class.
Female (Louisa Blake), aged between 7 and under 14, born in colony, Wesleyan Methodist, other class.
Female (Maria Blake), aged between 7 and under 14, born in colony, Wesleyan Methodist, other class.
Female (Mary Blake), aged between 7 and under 14, born in colony, Wesleyan Methodist, other class.
Male (Isaac Blake), aged between 7 and under 14, born in colony, Wesleyan Methodist, other class.
Male (Charles Blake), aged between 2 and under 7, born in colony, Wesleyan Methodist, other class.
Male (Joseph Blake), aged between 2 and under 7, born in colony, Wesleyan Methodist, other class.
Female (Eleanor Blake), aged between 2 and under 7, born in colony, Wesleyan Methodist, other class.
Male (Robert Blake), aged between 2, born in colony, Wesleyan Methodist, other class.

26 Jul 1861 - Death of his mother Mary (Bowden) Blake from consumption at the age of 42 years at Bothwell.

1 Jan 1863 - Isaac married Rebecca Whiteway at St Luke's Church, Bothwell according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the United Church of England and Ireland by Licence; witnessed by Simon Arnett, Mary Ann Arnett and Ellen Whiteway. Isaac was aged 22 and a farmer; Rebecca was aged 18 and a spinster.

Nov 1863 - Carrier's licence issued.

15 Jan 1864 - Birth of his son Edwin Blake at Bothwell.

6 Mar 1864 - Baptism of his son Edwin Blake at Bothwell.

4 Aug 1864 - Newspaper advertisement.

WANTED a good Brewer and Malster, one who thoroughly understands his business, constant employment, and liberal wages will be given. Reference required. Apply to Isaac Blake, Bothwell.

15 Nov 1864 - [1-F2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, garden, annual value £15.

15 Nov 1864 - [1-30,P,Q,R,S] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), cultivated land, 30 acres, annual value £20.

10 Jun 1865 - Juror at the inquest of William Smith at the Council Chambers, Alexander St, Bothwell who came to his death by accidentally casually and by misfortune was thrown from his horse on a public road near Bothwell causing concussion of the brain which from the effects he died.

29 Nov 1865 - Birth of his daughter Amy Blake at Bothwell; occupation - brewer and carrier.

14 Jan 1866 - Baptism of his daughter Amy Blake at Bothwell.

26 Feb 1867 - [1-F2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, garden, annual value £15.

26 Feb 1867 - [1-30,P,Q,R,S] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), agricultural land, 30 acres, annual value £20.

26 Feb 1867 - [1-E1] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), Mrs Evans (owner), paddock, 3 acres, annual value £2.

26 Feb 1867 - [1-E2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), brewery, buildings, annual value £20.

4 Apr 1867 - Newspaper advertisement.

I, the Undersigned, give notice that from this date I intend to reduce the price of cartage from Bothwell to Hobart to 50s per ton; from Hobart to Bothwell to 60s per ton; and beg to thank those who have hitherto supported me, and hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. Isaac Blake, Carrier, Bothwell, April 1st, 1867.

17 Aug 1867 - Birth of his son Frederick Blake at Bothwell.

6 Oct 1867 - Baptism of his son Frederick Blake at Bothwell.

11 Feb 1868 - [1-F2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £15.

11 Feb 1868 - [1-E2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), brewery, buildings, annual value £20.

1869 - Paid by the Bothwell Road Trust £53 12s for metalling 67 rods at Pitcairn's Marsh and £6 8s 9d for carting 103 loads of metal.

1 Mar 1870 - [1-E2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, brewery, buildings, annual value £40.

1 Mar 1870 - [1-30,P,Q,R,S] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), agricultural land, 30 acres, annual value £20.

11 Sep 1871 - [1-E2] Patrick St, Bothwell. George Clarke, Henry Hopkins and Arthur Hopkins, executors of Robert Whiteway, conveyed to Isaac Blake for £250 - 1a 1r 12p.

8 Sep 1874 - [1-30,P,Q,R,S] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier, erased), executors of Robert Blake (owner), arable land, 30 acres, annual value £15.

8 Sep 1874 - [1-E1] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier, inserted), Mrs Evans (owner), paddock, 3 acres, annual value £6.

27 Oct 1874 - Birth of his son Frank Blake at Hobart.

20 Dec 1874 - Baptism of his son Frank Blake at Bothwell.

29 Jan 1875 - Newspaper article.

CUMBERLAND ELECTION. To Maurice Weston, Esq. Sir, A vacancy having occurred in the representation of Cumberland by the resignation of John Swan, Esq, we, the undersigned, request that you will allow yourself to be put in nomination to till the vacancy... Isaac Blake.

17 Jun 1875 - Death of his son Frederick Blake from enlargement of the heart at the age of 7 years at Bothwell.

18 Dec 1876 - Newspaper article.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Bothwell, 11th December, 1876. Mr Henry C Hurst, Public School, Bothwell.
Dear Sir, We, the undersigned residents in the District of Bothwell, having heard of your intended departure from amongst us, cannot allow you to leave without expressing our deep sense of the valuable services rendered by you and your wife, in the cause of Education, as Master and Mistress of the Public School in this town. Those among us who are parents, and who, as such have sent our children to your school, can bear testimony, not only to the progress which they have made under your instruction, but also to the great respect which they entertain towards you as their teacher, thereby proving to us in a manner more expressive than words, that it has been your aim and endeavour to impart a high tone to your school, as well as to attend to the moral culture of your pupils. We cannot omit to mention, moreover, your kind willingness, in times of sickness, to alleviate the sufferings of those around you, a Christian duty which we all appreciate, and for which we thank you very heartily. Your kind manner and consistent walk in life have won from all of us very great respect. In bidding you farewell, we earnestly hope that you may be happy in your new sphere of labour; that your usefulness as a teacher of youth may be extended and appreciated and that every blessing may be vouchsafed to you and your family. We beg to subscribe ourselves, Your faithful friends and well wishers... Isaac Blake.

30 Jan 1877 - [1-E2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (owner, occupier), house, brewery, annual value £30.

10 Jan 1878 - Newspaper article.

MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. Monday, January 7, 1878. The usual monthly meeting of the Municipal Council was held today. The following accounts were unanimously passed, and payment ordered - Isaac Blake, carriage and timber for fencing, £1 11s.

19 Mar 1878 - [1-E2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (owner, occupier), house, brewery, 1 acre, annual value £30.

19 Mar 1878 - [1-27] Glebe, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), Church of England Glebe (owner), land, annual value £4.

19 Mar 1878 - [1-E1] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), Mrs Evans (owner), paddock, 3 acres, annual value £6.

12 Apr 1878 - Birth of his son Harold Blake at Bothwell which he registered on 16 May 1878; occupation - brewster and carrier.

20 May 1878 - Juror at the inquest of Hunter Young at the Council Chambers, Alexander St, Bothwell who came to his death being in his bed at his lodging at Bothwell died of cerebral apoplexy.

31 May 1878 - Baptism of his son Harold Blake at Bothwell.

15 Aug 1878 - Newspaper article.

ACCIDENT. It appears that Mr Isaac Blake's waggon loaded with timber, including doors, window sashes, etc, for the new house at Cluny, being erected by M Weston, Esq and drawn by six horses, was about to attempt to cross the fording place at the Clyde, which was then much flooded, when the leading horses, apparently becoming frightened, suddenly turned round the end of the causeway, and the rest following, dragged the waggon into a deep hole in another branch of the Clyde, which flows round the edge of the causeway. Mr Isaac Blake, who was on the waggon, was thrown out into the water, and his teamster, who was riding a horse lent him by Mr Taylor, also fell into the river. Mr Taylor who was present immediately jumped into the flood and succeeded in extracting Mr Blake and his teamster Harris, and then, with great daring and presence of mind, managed to detach the horses from the waggon, and all got safely to land. Some of the horses were swimming for about twenty minutes, as it took considerable time to detach them all. Mr Taylor had to get on some of their backs to enable him to cut the harness. Mr Blake, with abundance of assistance, has succeeded in getting the load on shore, but the waggon still remains in the river, only a portion of it being visible, all efforts to get that ashore by means of ropes proving ineffectual. Mr H Taylor deserves the highest commendations for his gallantry in rescuing both men and horses, and has undoubtedly earned for himself some recognition of his conduct. If anything would tend to demonstrate the necessity of a bridge across the Clyde at or near the place indicated I should think this serious accident, nearly proving fatal to the lives of two men and six horses, would be sufficient.

17 Aug 1878 - Newspaper article.

MIRACULOUS ESCAPE FROM DROWNING. On Thursday morning six horses in a light waggon belonging to Mr Blake, and driven by Mr Harris, left Bothwell, for Cluny, with three tons of building materials and rations, and while crossing the township ford one of the shaft horses became restive and unmanageable, which occupied the attention of the driver. Whilst he was thus engaged with it the other horses became rebellious, and began to plunge about in the water in an alarming manner, causing the shaft horses to fall. There was a fix. Mr Blake and Mr Harris at once unloosed the leaders, and then, up to their necks in water, commenced cutting the harness to relieve the shaft horses. Whilst in the act of doing so, one of the horses made a plunge and knocked Harris down, and at the same time turned the waggon round, and it was a miracle Harris escaped being crushed by the waggon. About the same time Mr Blake fell into the deepest part of the river, and upon coming to the surface he made a determined struggle to reach a wattle tree growing by the side of the bank, which he succeeded in doing, thereby saving his life. The want has long been felt of a good footbridge, which could be crossed at the highest flood mark. Many narrow escapes have occurred at the same ford of life and property, which have never been reported; but we hope soon to see the want remedied. On Tuesday morning the waggon was not to be seen, the river having risen much higher. I had almost forgotten to notice the during and gallantry of Mr Humphrey Taylor, who, at great risk, saved two horses from being carried down the river, and being probably injured or drowned.

Bef 14 May 1879 - [1-J3,J4,J5] High St, Bothwell. John Morris Colbeck conveyed to Isaac Blake, however a conveyance has not been located - 1a 1r 19p.

14 May 1879 - [1-J3,J4,J5] High St, Bothwell. Certificate of Title registered to Isaac Blake - 1a 1r 19p.

17 Aug 1880 - Birth of his daughter Elsie Blake at Bothwell.

19 Sep 1880 - Baptism of his daughter Elsie Blake at Bothwell.

9 Oct 1880 - Juror at the inquest of John McKenzie at the Police Office, Bothwell who came to his death by drowning in the River Clyde but there is no evidence as to show how or by what means he got into the river.

9 Aug 1881 - Juror at the inquest of James Hinchy at the Police Office, Bothwell who came to his death by accidentally being kicked by a horse.

21 Sep 1881 - Newspaper article.

Messrs Isaac Blake, Henry F Chamberlen and Edward Nicholas are candidates for the extraordinary vacancy in the Bothwell Municipal Council, caused by the death of Mr Alexander Reid. The poll will be taken on the 24th September, at the Council Chamber.

23 Jun 1883 - Newspaper article.

BOTHWELL. June 20, 1883. To T E J Steele, Esq, JP, Southernfield. Sir, A vacancy having occurred in the Municipal Council, in the Rural Municipality of Bothwell, we, the undersigned electors, request that you will allow yourself to be nominated to fill the same, and in the event of your doing so we pledge oursolves to do our utmost to secure your return... Isaac Blake.

Bef 4 Dec 1883 - [2-Gg3,Hh] Wentworth St, Bothwell. James Dalwood conveyed to Isaac Blake however a conveyance has not been located - 3a 3r 20p [2-Gg3], 5a 2r 11p [2-Hh].

4 Dec 1883 - [2-Gg3,Hh] Wentworth St, Bothwell. Certificate of Title registered to Isaac Blake - 3a 3r 20p [2-Gg3], 5a 2r 11p [2-Hh].

24 Jan 1884 - Birth of his daughter Edith Blake at Bagdad.

14 Mar 1884 - Baptism of his daughter Edith Blake at Bothwell.

21 Feb 1885 - Newspaper article.

Mr William Blake, one of the carriers between Bothwell and the capital, conducts a brewery on the township, and his brother Mr Isaac Blake intends, as soon as the place is repaired, to enter the lists at the Jolly Hatters, Melville-street, Hobart, against the mammoth Cascades Company. The Blakes have been brewers for many years at Bothwell, enjoying much success, hence the projected Hobart branch. The malt liquor at the Bothwell Brewery are of exceptionally high quality - mild, clear, sparkling, and free from the tendency to acidity so general in colonial ales, consequent on the excess of saccharine matter used in their manufacture. I have no hesitation in placing the well matured amber contents of a puncheon on Mr Blake's stillions side by side with the best imported draught, and but little if any, behind in quality the finest Bass bottled by Stone or Foster.

1 Mar 1885 - Death of his daughter Edith Blake from convulsions at the age of 1 year at Bagdad which he registered on 2 Mar 1885.

16 Feb 1886 - [1-E1] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), Mrs Evans (owner), land, annual value £4 10s.

29 Jun 1886 - Death of his son Frank Blake from morbus cordus at the age of 11 years at Hobart.

11 Aug 1886 - Birth of his son Raymond Isaac Blake at Hobart.

21 Feb 1888 - [1-E2] Patrick St, Bothwell. William Blake (occupier), Isaac Blake (owner), house, brewery, 1 acre, annual value £40.

12 Jun 1888 - [1-E2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake conveyed to his brother William Blake for £550 - 1a 1r 12p.

13 Dec 1888 - [1-J3,J4,J5] High St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake conveyed to William Westell for £40 - 1a 1r 19p.

22 Jun 1889 - Newspaper article.

After an unusually wet season heavy rain fell incessantly for two days last week and the river rose very rapidly. During Thursday night and early next morning several families were obliged to leave their homes, all the streets in the lower part of the township being flooded. Blake's brewery, from its position, was the first to be submerged - a most unfortunate circumstance for the enterprising proprietor, who has just built a new brewery and had made arrangements for removing, fitting up machinery, etc. Mr Blake also had a large stock of grain, sugar, flour, potatoes, etc, all of which suffered more or less damage. A peep into the cellar next morning, however, consoled the patrons of the popular beverage, as there was a large stock floating about, and doubtless in good condition. The bridge over the Clyde, known as the new bridge, which was built some five years ago, is partly destroyed, and the one known as Reid's was removed bodily and landed on the new bridge. This (the new one) was about the most unsightly, unworkmanlike structure it was possible to imagine. Some 150 yards in length, as ascending from the level of the township at a considerable incline, and built on piles except in the centre, which was of earthwork - and such earthwork! Backed at the ends by loose rubble and at the sides by turf, and filled with sand from the hill close by. Whether the Public Works officials in their wisdom deemed it necessary to dam the water back in order to inundate the township, or whether there was a certain amount of money and no less to be spent on the bridge I do not know; but this much is certain that the bridge would have been more substantial and less costly had it been constructed of piles throughout which will be necessary after all. Other small bridges have been swept away and roads damaged, and the Road Trust, into which some new blood has been lately infused, will have their hands pretty full for a time. The bridge over the Jordan, or rather the approaches to it were destroyed, thus cutting off all vehicular traffic for a time at least. Telegraphic and postal communication was interrupted for a day or two, but is now restored. It is almost unanimously acknowledged to have been the highest flood on record. The weather has now cleared up and we may expect some severe frosts. June 18th.

5 Feb 1906 - [2-Gg3,Hh] Wentworth St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake conveyed to Robert Swindells - 3a 3r 20p [2-Gg3], 5a 2r 11p [2-Hh].

28 May 1906 - Isaac died at the age of 66 years at Bagdad.

BLAKE - On May 23, 1906, at his late residence, Melville House, Bagdad, Isaac, the beloved husband of R Blake, aged 66 years.

30 May 1906 - Buried at Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart.

Individual Timeline for Rebecca Whiteway (1845-1935)

24 Apr 1845 - Rebecca Whiteway was born at Bothwell to Robert Whiteway and Ann Larkins.

1 May 1845 - Baptised at Bothwell.

17 Feb 1847 - Death of her mother Ann (Larkins) Whiteway from a haemorrhage after premature confinement at the age of 26 years at Bothwell.

13 Jan 1848 - Marriage of her father Robert Whiteway and Ellen Wigmore at St Luke's Church Bothwell.

3 Dec 1859 - Witness at the marriage of her sister Tamar Whiteway and William Maskell at St Luke's Church Bothwell.

1 Jan 1863 - Rebecca Whiteway married Isaac Blake at St Luke's Church, Bothwell according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the United Church of England and Ireland by Licence; witnessed by Simon Arnett, Mary Ann Arnett and Ellen Whiteway. Isaac was aged 22 and a farmer; Rebecca was aged 17 and a spinster.

15 Jan 1864 - Birth of her son Edwin Blake at Bothwell.

15 Nov 1864 - [1-F2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, garden, annual value £15.

8 May 1865 - Death of her father Robert Whiteway from bronchitis and diarrhoea at the age of 63 years at [1-F1] White Hart Inn, Patrick St, Bothwell.

29 Nov 1865 - Birth of her daughter Amy Blake at Bothwell.

14 Jan 1866 - Baptism of her daughter Amy Blake at Bothwell.

26 Feb 1867 - [1-F2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, garden, annual value £15.

17 Aug 1867 - Birth of her son Frederick Blake at Bothwell.

6 Oct 1867 - Baptism of her son Frederick Blake at Bothwell.

11 Feb 1868 - [1-F2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, garden, annual value £15.

1 Mar 1870 - [1-E2] Patrick St, Bothwell. Isaac Blake (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, garden, brewery, buildings, 1 acre, annual value £40.

27 Oct 1874 - Birth of her son Frank Blake at Hobart.

20 Dec 1874 - Baptism of her son Frank Blake at Bothwell.

17 Jun 1875 - Death of her son Frederick Blake from enlargement of the heart at the age of 7 years at Bothwell.

12 Apr 1878 - Birth of her son Harold Blake at Bothwell.

31 May 1878 - Baptism of her son Harold Blake at Bothwell.

17 Aug 1880 - Birth of her daughter Elsie Blake at Bothwell.

25 Jul 1883 - [1-15] Elizabeth St, Bothwell. James Dalwood conveyed to Rebecca (Whiteway) Blake for £250 - 0a 2r 1p.

22 Aug 1883 - [1-15] Elizabeth St, Bothwell. Certificate of Title registered to Rebecca (Whiteway) Blake - 0a 2r 1p.

24 Jan 1884 - Birth of her daughter Edith Blake at Bagdad.

14 Mar 1884 - Baptism of her daughter Edith Blake at Bothwell.

1 Mar 1885 - Death of her daughter Edith Blake from convulsions at the age of 1 year at Bagdad.

16 Feb 1886 - [1-15] Elizabeth St, Bothwell. Robert Blake (occupier), Rebecca Blake (owner), house, annual value £15.

29 Jun 1886 - Death of her son Frank Blake from morbus cordus at the age of 11 years at Hobart.

11 Aug 1886 - Birth of her son Raymond Isaac Blake at Hobart.

14 Jan 1890 - [1-15] Elizabeth St, Bothwell. Robert Blake (occupier), Rebecca Blake (owner), house, annual value £15.

7 Sep 1891 - [1-15] Elizabeth St, Bothwell. Rebecca (Whiteway) Blake conveyed to Mary Ann (Jackman) Branch - 0a 2r 1p.

16 Jun 1894 - [1-13] Elizabeth St, Bothwell. Land granted to Mary Ann (Whiteway) Arnett, Tamar (Whiteway) Maskell, Sarah Jane (Whiteway) Triffett and Rebecca (Whiteway) Blake - 0a 1r 1¾p.

6 Dec 1894 - [1-13] Elizabeth St, Bothwell. Mary Ann (Whiteway) Arnett; Tamar (Whiteway) Maskell; Sarah Jane (Whiteway) Triffett; Rebecca (Whiteway) Blake conveyed to Leo White for £80 - 0a 1r 1¾p.

28 May 1906 - Death of her husband Isaac Blake at the age of 66 years at Bagdad.

15 Dec 1931 - Death of her son Harold Blake at the age of 53 years at Bagdad.

13 Mar 1935 - Rebecca died at the age of 89 years at Bagdad.

BLAKE - On March 13, 1935, at her residence, Bagdad, Rebecca, widow of the late Isaac Blake, In the 90th year of her age.

14 Mar 1935 - Buried at Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart.

MRS REBECCA BLAKE. BAGDAD PIONEER. The death occurred at her residence, Lyndon, Bagdad, on Wednesday last, of Mrs Rebecca Blake. Mrs Blake, who was the widow of Mr Isaac Blake, was In her 90th year. She was one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of the Bagdad Valley. Although born in the Bothwell district, she bad been closely associated with her late residence for more than 80 years, as Lyndon in the early 80's was a private boarding school, at which Mrs Blake attended. She used to recall many vivid Incidents of the bushranging days. Rocky Whelan, who is said to have confessed to a murder he had committed at Constitution Hill just in time to save an innocent person from paying the penalty, she well remembered. After having left school Mrs Blake returned to Bothwell, and her husband then acquired the Lyndon property. He leased it as an hotel until 1875, when It became his private residence. Mrs Blake considered that the most important trip she had by coach was from Bothwell in order to participate In the welcome accorded the Duke of Edinburgh In 1868. Mrs Blake was an earnest church and philanthropic worker, and many will recall her generosity to the Anglican Church at Bagdad. Deceased is survived by two daughters, Mesdames W Mason (Bagdad )and E Robertson (Hobart), and a son, Ray (Hobart). There are 23 grandchildren and 10 great grand-children.


Sources - Family of Isaac Blake:
1. Information supplied by Malcolm Ward.
2. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Isaac Blake - Deaths, 29 May 1906, p1, c1 (
3. Millingtons Funerals & Cemeteries, Isaac Blake, 1906 (
4. "Register of Births, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD33)", Libraries Tasmania, Rebecca Whiteway, no 35/1845 (
5. "Baptism Register of the Bothwell Church of England (NS1854)", Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office, Hobart, Rebecca Whiteway, microfilm Z2238, NS1854/1/1, no 53/1845.
6. "Register of Marriages, Tasmania 1839-1899 (RGD37)", Libraries Tasmania, Isaac Blake-Rebecca Whiteway, no 1/1863 (
7. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Rebecca Blake - Deaths, 13 Mar 1935, p1, c1 (
8. Millingtons Funerals & Cemeteries, Rebecca Blake, 1935 (
9. "Register of Births, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD33)", Libraries Tasmania, Edwin Blake, no 2/1864 (
10. "Baptism Register of the Bothwell Church of England (NS1854)", Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office, Hobart, Edwin Blake, microfilm Z2238, NS1854/1/1, no 303/1864.
11. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Edwin Blake - Deaths, 12 Jun 1934, p1, c1 (
12. Millingtons Funerals & Cemeteries, Edwin Blake, 1934, (
13. "Register of Births, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD33)", Libraries Tasmania, Euphemia Margaret Hughes, no 511/1861 (
14. "Bothwell Presbyterian Church Registers (NS592)", Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office, Hobart, Euphemia Margaret Hughes, microfilm Z2338, baptism, NS592/1/1, no 287/1861.
15. "Register of Marriages, Tasmania 1839-1899 (RGD37)", Libraries Tasmania, Edwin Blake-Euphemia Margaret Hughes, no 315/1892 (
16. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Euphemia Margaret Blake, 25 Jun 1937, p1, c1 (
17. Millingtons Funerals & Cemeteries, Euphemia Margaret Blake, 1937 (
18. "Register of Births, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD33)", Libraries Tasmania, Amy Blake, no 41/1865 (
19. "Baptism Register of the Bothwell Church of England (NS1854)", Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office, Hobart, Amy Blake, microfilm Z2238, NS1854/1/1, no 336/1866.
20. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Amy Mason - Deaths, 15 Aug 1952, p12, c1 (
21. Millingtons Funerals & Cemeteries, Amy Mason, 1952 (
22. "Register of Births, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD33)", Libraries Tasmania, William Mason, no 5662/1862 (
23. "Register of Marriages, Tasmania 1839-1899 (RGD37)", Libraries Tasmania, William Tasman Mason-Amy Blake, no 215/1891 (
24. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, William Tasman Mason - Deaths, 16 May 1952, p10, c1 (
25. Millingtons Funerals & Cemeteries, William Tasman Mason, 1952 (
26. "Register of Births, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD33)", Libraries Tasmania, Frederick Blake, no 24/1867 (
27. "Baptism Register of the Bothwell Church of England (NS1854)", Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office, Hobart, Frederick Blake, microfilm Z2238, NS1854/1/1, no 370/1867.
28. "Register of Deaths, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD35)", Libraries Tasmania, Frederick Blake, no 6/1875 (
29. Bothwell Cemetery Records, Frederick Blake, 1875, section A4, site 28.
30. "Register of Births, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD33)", Libraries Tasmania, Frank Blake, no 827/1874 (
31. "Baptism Register of the Bothwell Church of England (NS1854)", Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office, Hobart, Frank Blake, microfilm Z2238, NS1854/1/1, no 512/1874.
32. "Register of Deaths, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD35)", Libraries Tasmania, Frank Blake, no 3184/1886 (
33. Millingtons Funerals & Cemeteries, Frank Blake, 1886 (
34. "Register of Births, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD33)", Libraries Tasmania, Harold Blake, no 7/1878 (
35. "Baptism Register of the Bothwell Church of England (NS1854)", Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office, Hobart, Harold Blake, microfilm Z2238, NS1854/1/1, no 569/1878.
36. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Harold Blake - Deaths & Funerals, 16 Dec 1931, p1, c1 (
37. "Register of Births, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD33)", Libraries Tasmania, Elsie Blake, no 512/1880 (
38. "Baptism Register of the Bothwell Church of England (NS1854)", Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office, Hobart, Elsie Blake, microfilm Z2238, NS1854/1/1, no 603/1880.
39. "Register of Births, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD33)", Libraries Tasmania, Edith Blake, no 1758/1884 (
40. "Baptism Register of the Bothwell Church of England (NS1854)", Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office, Hobart, Edith Blake, microfilm Z2238, NS1854/1/1, no 710/1884.
41. "Register of Deaths, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD35)", Libraries Tasmania, Edith Blake, no 754/1885 (
42. "Register of Births, Tasmania, 1838-1899 (RGD33)", Libraries Tasmania, Raymond Isaac Blake, no 1259/1886 (