Map 1
Sections M, N, O & T

Information contained in reports are a timeline of occurrences for each property until 1899 - who conveyed, occupied etc. Complied from records at the Tasmanian Archives, Land Titles Office, Hobart Town Gazette Valuation Rolls and newspaper articles. This is a work in progress and will be continually added to and updated.

All sections below have been modified from the Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26
View original map on the Tasmanian Archives website

[1-M, N] High Street - 9a 0r 3p

[1-M] - Bounded on the North by nine chains and twelve links easterly along Patrick Street from its angle with Mary Street; on the East by four chains and eighty-seven links southerly along Sussex Street; on the South by nine chains and twelve links westerly along High Street to Mary Street aforesaid; and thence on the West by four chains and eighty-seven links northerly along the last mentioned street to the point of commencement - 4 acres, 1 rood, 30 perches. (1)

[1-N] - Bounded on the North by nine chains and twelve links easterly along High Street from its angle with Mary Street; on the East by five chains and three links southerly along Sussex Street; on the South by nine chains and twelve links westerly along Franklin Street to Mary Street aforesaid; and thence on the West by five chains and three links northerly along the last mentioned street to the point of commencement - 4 acres, 2 roods, 13 perches. (2)

18 Apr 1855 - William Horne purchased crown land for £66. (3)

20 Jun 1855 - Land granted to William Horne - 9a 0r 3p. (1,2)

22 Jan 1856 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to William Horne upon receipt of £66 duly paid to the Crown - 9a 0r 3p. (1,2)

26 Aug 1863 - Newspaper advertisement.

CAUTION TO THOSE WHO KEEP GEESE AND FOWLS. Poison will be placed on various parts of my two paddocks, situated on the east side of the township of Bothwell, until the grain is taken off, for the purpose of destroying vermin. William Horne. Bothwell, 24th August, 1863. (4)

15 Nov 1864 - William Horne (owner), cultivated paddocks, annual value £4. (5)

26 Feb 1867 - William Horne (owner), cultivated land, 9a 0r 3p, annual value £4. (6)

1 Mar 1870 - William Horne (owner), arable land, annual value £4. (7)

21 Nov 1874 - Newspaper advertisement.

FOR SALE. CHEAP. All that property situated in the Township of Bothwell, occupied by the Proprietor, William Horne, comprising about Fifty Acres of Township Land, divided into seven paddocks, all securely fenced and under cultivation; together with the new and substantial five-roomed Stone Cottage, detached kitchen, new stone barn and stable, and all necessary out-buildings. Terms very easy. Apply to Mr Rogers, Murray-street, or to the Proprietor. (8)

19 Mar 1878 - William Horne (owner), land, 9 acres, annual value £4 10s. (9)

8 Aug 1878 - Certificate of Title registered to William Horne Jnr. (10)

16 Feb 1886 - David Wylie (occupier), William Horne (owner), land, 9 acres, annual value £4 10s. (11)

14 Jan 1890 - David Wylie (occupier), William Horne (owner), land, 9 acres, annual value £4 10s. (12)

25 Nov 1890 - William Horne Jnr conveyed to James Williams for £300 - [1-M,N], [2-Qq], [2-Ss2], [2-Uu2], [2-Vv]. (10)

22 Dec 1890 - Certificate of Title registered to James Williams. (13)

19 Feb 1895 - David Wylie (occupier), James Williams (owner), land, 9 acres, annual value £4. (14)

28 Mar 1899 - David Wylie (occupier), James Williams (owner), land, 9 acres, capital value £90, annual value £4. (15)

20 May 1899 - Newspaper article.

THE NEW ASSESSMENTS. Appeals Heard at Bothwell. A sitting of the Supreme Court was held at Bothwell on Thursday, 18th inst, when the following appeals against the local assessment roll were heard and determined by His Honor Mr Justice Mcintyre... Paddock, Patrick-street (James Williams), from £90 to £80 capital value and £4 annual value, upheld. (16)


[1-O] Franklin Street - 4a 2r 14p

Bounded on the North by nine chains and thirteen links easterly along High Street from its angle with Sussex Street; on the East by five chains and three links southerly along Kent Street; on the South by nine chains and thirteen links westerly along Franklin Street aforesaid; and thence on the West by five chains and three links northerly along that street to the point of commencement - 4 acres, 2 roods, 14 perches. (1)

18 Apr 1855 - William Wood Hughes purchased crown land for £22. (2)

20 Jun 1855 - Land granted to William Wood Hughes. (1)

29 Jun 1855 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to William Wood Hughes upon receipt of £22 duly paid to the Crown. (1)

Bef 20 Nov 1860 - William Wood Hughes conveyed to Luke Evans however a conveyance has not been located. (3)

20 Nov 1860 - Luke Evans (owner, occupier), house, ground, 5 acres, annual value £10. (4)

26 Feb 1867 - Luke Evans (owner, occupier), house, ground, 5 acres, annual value £12. (5)

1 Mar 1870 - Luke Evans (owner, occupier), house, ground, 5 acres, annual value £12. (6)

12 Sep 1874 - Certificate of Title registered to Luke Evans. (3)

19 Mar 1878 - Luke Evans (owner, occupier), house, land, 5 acres, annual value £12. (7)

17 Feb 1885 - Mary Ann Evans (owner, occupier), house, 5 acres, annual value £12. (8)

14 Jan 1890 - Mary Ann Evans (owner, occupier), house, land, 5 acres, annual value £12. (9)

22 Aug 1894 - Property transferred from the estate of Luke Evans to his son Luke Evans. (3)

31 Aug 1894 - Newspaper advertisement.

APPLICATIONS TO BE REGISTERED ON DECEASE OF PROPRIETORS. Notice is hereby given that, unless Caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate or interest in the Lands hereinafter described on or before the dates below specified, the Applicants named at the foot hereof will be registered as Proprietors of the said Lands under "The Real Property Act." Bothwell. Fronting on High, Kent, Franklin and Sussex streets respectively, originally granted to William Wood Hughes, and registered in the name of Luke Evans. Luke Evans, (Application 1117) Caveat must be filed on or before the 27th day of September, 1894. (10)

19 Feb 1895 - Luke Evans (owner, occupier), house, land, 5 acres, annual value £10. (11)

28 Mar 1899 - Luke Evans (owner, occupier), house, farm, 4¾ acres, capital value £150, annual value £10. (12)

15 May 1900 - Newspaper article.

BOTHWELL. A public meeting convened by the Warden at the request of the Rev A J Greenwood and others, was held at the Castle Hotel on the 8th May to derive means of assisting Mr Luke Evans and family, who had suffered severe losses by fire. The Warden (Mr A Ibbott) presided. The chairman said all present were aware that Mr Evans had lost everything in the recent disastrous fire, and that his wife and children had had a miraculous escape. Mr Evans was a native of Bothwell, and a man of excellent character, one whom they should be glad to assist to the best of their ability. The Rev Greenwood said he had made careful inquiries into the case, and found that Mr Evans had for years been steadily striving to get together furniture and material to build a larger house. In his cottage before the fire he had sufficient furniture for an eight-roomed house, and now everything was lost. He also had £30 in gold ready to meet his bills, and all but about four sovereigns were melted. This was a serious loss, and it behoved them all to help to put Mr Evans on his legs again. Everyone spoke of him as a steady, honest man, well worthy of support. Mr R Bowden had started a subscription list, but was quite willing to hand it over to a committee. The following committee was appointed. The Warden, Rev A J Greenwood, Messrs R Bowden, W H Sealy, C E Sibley, NC Paul, G H Key, and A C Hurst, with the Warden as hon treasurer, and Mr Greenwood hon secretary. Mr Bowden handed his list to the chairman, showing £15 1s already collected. Subscriptions in the room brought the total of £23 2s. (13)

14 Jan 1902 - Luke Evans (owner), land, 4¾ acres, capital value £150, annual value £10. (14)


[1-T] High Street - 5a 0r 4p

Bounded on the North by ten chains easterly along High Street from its angle with Kent Street; on the East by five chains and three links southerly along King Street; on the South by ten chains westerly along Franklin Street to Kent Street aforesaid; and thence on the West by five chains and three links northerly along that street to the point of commencement - 5 acres, 4 perches. (1)

18 Apr 1855 - John Mears Ibbott purchased crown land for £20. (2)

18 Jun 1855 - The land was granted to John Mears Ibbott. (1)

23 Jul 1856 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to John Mears Ibbott upon receipt of £20 duly paid to the Crown. (1)

bef 21 Dec 1858 - John Mears Ibbott conveyed to Samuel Jackson, but a conveyance has not been located. (3)

21 Dec 1858 - Samuel Jackson (owner, occupier, inserted), dwelling, land, 2 acres, annual rateable value £10. (3)

19 Nov 1861 - Samuel Jackson (owner, occupier), house, ground, 2 acres, annual rateable value £10. (4)

15 Nov 1864 - David Greig (occupier), Samuel Jackson (owner, Eastern Marshes), house, ground, 2 acres, annual rateable value £10. (5)

26 Feb 1867 - Samuel Jackson (owner, Oatlands), house, ground, 2 acres, annual rateable value £10. (6)

1 Mar 1870 - Samuel Jackson (owner, occupier), house, ground, 2 acres, annual rateable value £10. (7)

7 Feb 1871 - Samuel Jackson (owner, occupier), house, ground, 2 acres, annual rateable value £10. (8)

11 Mar 1873 - Samuel Jackson (owner, occupier), house, ground, 2 acres, annual rateable value £10. Arable land, 3½ acres, annual rateable value £1 10s. (9)

9 Sep 1874 - Certificate of Title registered to Samuel Jackson, a labourer and road contractor living in Bothwell. (10)

30 Jan 1877 - Samuel Jackson (owner, occupier), house, land, 5 acres, annual rateable value £11. (11)

19 Mar 1878 - Samuel Jackson (owner, occupier), house, land, 5 acres, annual rateable value £11. (12)

14 Jan 1890 - Unoccupied, Samuel Jackson (owner), house, 1 acre, annual rateable value £8. (13)

28 Mar 1899 - Samuel Jackson (owner), house, land, 5 acres, capital value £6, annual rateable value £120. (14)

1 Mar 1900 - [1-T] High St. The property was transferred from the estate of Samuel Jackson to his son, John Jackson. (15)



[1-M, N]
1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), William Horne, p22/1856 (
2. Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), William Horne, p21/1856 (
3. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 19 Apr 1855, p3 (
4. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Caution," Horne, 26 Aug 1863, p1 (
5. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Horne, p2077/1864 (
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Horne, p467/1867 (
7. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Horne, p357/1870 (
8. The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), “For Sale Cheap,” Horne, 21 Nov 1874, p3 (
9. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Horne, p494/1878 (
10. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, William Horne, title historic, vol 24, fol 21.
11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, David Wylie, p432/1886 (
12. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, David Wylie, p177/1890 (
13. The List: Properties & Titles, James Williams, title historic, vol 76, fol 138.
14. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, David Wylie, p530/1895 (
15. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, David Wylie, p328/1899 (
16. The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), “The New Assessments,” 20 May 1899, p1 (

1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), William Wood Hughes, p107/1855 (
2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 19 Apr 1855, p3 (
3. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Luke Evans, title historic, vol 16, fol 114.
4. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Luke Evans, p1882/1860 (
5. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Luke Evans, p467/1867 (
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Luke Evans, p357/1870 (
7. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Luke Evans, p494/1878,
8. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Mrs L Jones, p304/1885 (
9. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Mrs L Evans, p174/1890 (
10. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), “Application to be Registered,” Evans, 31 Aug 1894, p1 (
11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Luke Evans, p527/1895 (
12. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Luke Evans, p324/1899 (
13. The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), “Bothwell,” Evans, 15 May 1900, p4 (
14. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Luke Evans, p70/1902 (

1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), John Ibbott, p188/1856 (
2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sale of Crown Lands," 19 Apr 1855, p3 (
3. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Jackson, p1544/1858 (
4. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Jackson, p1695/1861 (
5. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, David Greig, p2076/1864 (
6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Jackson, p468/1867 (
7. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Jackson, p358/1870 (
8. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Jackson, p187/1871 (
9. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Jackson, p251/1873 (
10. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Samuel Jackson, title historic, vol 16, fol 108.
11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Jackson, p188/1877 (
12. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Jackson, p495/1878 (
13. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Jackson, p174/1890 (
14. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Jackson, p325/1899 (
15. Libraries Tasmania: Copies of Wills Recording Granting of Probate, 1825-1989 (AD960), Samuel Jackson, no 5570/1900 (Samuel Jackson, no 5570/1900 (