Map 1
Section D

Information contained in reports are a timeline of occurrences for each property until 1899 - who conveyed, occupied etc. Complied from records at the Tasmanian Archives, Land Titles Office, Hobart Town Gazette Valuation Rolls and newspaper articles. This is a work in progress and will be continually added to and updated.

All map sections below have been modified from the Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26
View original map on the Tasmanian Archives website

[1-D.1] Bothwell Castle, Patrick Street

29 Sep 1828 - Norwood Inn. Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to John Vincent for the twelve month period ending 29 Sep 1829.

11 Oct 1828 - Newspaper advertisement.

NORWOOD INN, CLYDE, BOTHWELL. John Vincent begs most respectfully to inform his friends and the public generally, that having obtained a license he has opened the above Inn, for the accommodation of Travellers, with a choice selection of the best Spirits, Wines, Porter, &c, and trusts by strict attention, cleanliness and punctuality to business, to merit a share of the public patronage. Stabling and Stock Yards, with every other accommodation for travellers. Likewise, J N has opened a Store, where the public may be supplied with Tea, Sugar, Tobacco, Slops of every description, Prints, Calicoes, &c, &c.

30 Jan 1830 - Newspaper advertisement.

ELIGIBLE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE INVESTMENT OF CAPITAL. To be Sold or Let, that newly built Inn at Bothwell, known by the name of Bothwell Castle. The premises are of such description as would answer any one desirous of entering on the business, containing on the ground floor two handsome front parlours, one back parlour and bar, beneath which is a large stone built cellar, an excellent tap room and kitchen detached, a six stall stable, fowl house, pig's stye, &c, &c. The first floor contains five good rooms, four of which are well adapted for the convenience of two beds each, besides a loft above capable of being converted into eight sleeping rooms for travellers, with a garden and stockyard, on a three acre allotment well fenced in. The above valuable property presents an opportunity for the investment of capital seldom to be met with. The premises are situated in a very improving district, and well calculated for business, either wholesale or retail, where education and religious instruction are available. Apply to the proprietor of the premises, if by letter post paid. JOHN VINCENT, Bothwell Castle.

21 Sep 1831 - Hotel licence issued to James George Babtie for twelve months.

15 Oct 1831 - Newspaper advertisement.

BOTHWELL CASTLE INN. Mr J Babtie begs respectfully to inform his friends and the public, that he has commenced in the Public line at Bothwell, Upper Clyde where he intends offering every accommodation to the public, and has on hand a good stock of Spirits, Wine, and Porter. J B has also a good Store, consisting of Men's, youths' and boys' clothing and hats, Powder and shot, Soap, starch, and blue, Tea, sugar, tobacco, Mustard, pepper, salt, and salt-petre, Women's combs, assorted, Prints calicoes and hosiery, Gentlemen's white shirts and fancy drill trousers, Figured and plain net, jaconet, book and other muslins, Tapes, threads, pins and needles, Superior snuffs, playing cards, ink and paper, A small assortment of common crockeryware and blankets, Also, a few ladies' dresses and baby linen, A handsome silk pelisse, and various other articles too numerous to mention which he offers on reasonable terms for cash or colonial produce if suitable.

7 Oct 1836 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Henry Mylam Cockerill for the twelve month period ending 29 Sep 1837.

20 Oct 1837 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Henry Mylam Cockerill for the twelve month period ending 29 Sep 1838.

12 Oct 1838 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Henry Mylam Cockerill for the period ending 29 Sep 1839.

16 Jul 1839 - Newspaper advertisement.

WANTED. A free active Female Servant, qualified to do the work of a Country Inn. Liberal wages will be given Apply to H M Cockerill, Bothwell Castle Inn, Bothwell, Clyde; or to Mr Masters, 40, Murray-street, Hobart Town. July 12, 1839.

26 Jun 1840 - Newspaper advertisement.

WANTED. By the undersigned, a female house servant, inclined to make herself useful-wages £20 per annum. H M Cockerill, Bothwell Castle Inn, Bothwell. Apply to Mr D W Bush, Tasmanian Inn, Hobart Town. June 25.

2 Oct 1840 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Henry Mylam Cockerill for the twelve month period ending 29 Sep 1841.

8 Dec 1840 - Newspaper advertisement.

FOR SALE. To be Sold or Exchanged for cultivated or uncultivated Land, in Van Diemen's Land. That old established Inn, the 'Bothwell Castle,' containing eleven rooms, with large brick stable, brick sheds, &c, and four acres of enclosed and cultivated land attached. ALSO Thirteen acres of oats, &c, for hay. The above will be sold or exchanged, with or without the crops. Grants will be given with the whole. The furniture, stock, &c, belonging to the inn, can be had at a valuation. Cows and bullocks, used to the township run, can be had at a valuation. The above is an advantageous opportunity for any one inclined to enter into the spirit trade in a respectable house. Bothwell being a healthy, delightful, populous township, and the River Clyde running through it. Application to be made to H M Cockerill, Bothwell Castle Inn, or to Mr Vincent, Bagdad Hotel. Every accommodation will be afforded as to terms of payment. December 4, 1840.

8 Oct 1841 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Henry Mylam Cockerill for the twelve month period ending 29 Sep 1842.

19 Dec 1841 - Newspaper advertisement.

TO LET. The Old Established Bothwell Castle Inn, Bothwell. On very advantageous Terms. Every Accommodation will be afforded, as to terms of payment for Furniture and Stock. Apply to the Proprietor, H M Cockerill. NB - The prices of liquors, &c, are now the same here as in other townships, the opposition having ceased. Bothwell, 4th October, 1841.

11 Oct 1842 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Henry Mylam Cockerill for the twelve month period ending 29 Sep 1843.

13 Oct 1843 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Henry Mylam Cockerill for the twelve month period ending 29 Sep 1844.

5 Oct 1844 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Henry Mylam Cockerill for the twelve month period ending 29 Sep 1844.

14 Nov 1843 - Transfer of the Licence to retail wine and spirits from Henry Mylam Cockerill to Robert Beech.

10 Jun 1847 - Newspaper advertisement.

"BOTHWELL CASTLE INN," BOTHWELL. The Undersigned begs to notify to his Friends, and the Public generally, that he has succeeded Mr Cockerill, in the above-named Inn, here he has laid in an entirely new assortment of every description of article suited to the comfort, and accommodation of those who may favor him with their custom. To those who did so at the Black Swan, Argyle-street, Hobart Town, he returns his grateful thanks, at the same time soliciting the support of their recommendations. The charges at the Castle Inn will be those suited to the times, and every care will be taken to give satisfaction by attention and civility. Robert Beech. Good stabling, and a careful hostler. Bothwell, May 19.

26 Dec 1854 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Robert Beech for the period ending 29 Sep 1848.

16 Aug 1850 - Lower Court, Bothwell. Before William Tarleton, Esq, PM.
Robert Beech, Conditional Pardon holder, aged 43, read and write imperfectly. Charged on information of the District Constable with Breach of the Act in Council 11th Vic No 7. Information withdrawn.

25 Dec 1852 - Newspaper advertisement.

TO BE LET. The Bothwell Castle Inn, situated in the centre of the thriving and populous Township of Bothwell. The House is well known as possessing all the requisite accommodations for a first-rate Country Inn, and has for some years been doing a steady increasing business; and in the hands of active and qualified persons might in a few years realise a certain independence. The only reason for the present proprietor leaving the business is in consequence of a severe domestic affliction. The furniture, stock, &c might be taken at a fair valuation, and immediate possession would, if required, be given. For further particulars apply to W Knight, Esq,New Wharf, (if by letter post-paid); or on the premises, to the undersigned. Robert Beech. Bothwell, December 23.

16 Feb 1853 - Licence to retail wine and spirits transferred from Robert Beech to James Warren.

16 Apr 1853 - Newspaper article.

GRAND SKITTLE MATCH. The Return Match, for £100 aside, between Messrs Reggett and Fisher, came off on Tuesday last, at Mr Bowden's, the Castle Inn, Bothwell. There were a good many persons present, including about half-a-dozen sporting gentlemen from Hobart Town, besides numerous residents in the Bothwell and Hamilton Districts. The ground was not a very good one, being short distanced and close-framed, this of course being against the player of Bucks, who, it will be recollected, was the winner of the first match at the Phoenix Hotel. There was very little betting, but that was in favour of the "Buck." Reggett started the game, but it was won by Fisher in good style, the goes being 10 to 7. The Commissariat duties had been ably discharged by the proprietor of the Castle, and a first-rate spread was laid upon the table; but the Hobart Town visitors and the successful player were constrained against their will to leave without partaking of the delicacies provided. Another challenge was made, to be closed within a month if accepted, by which the players will contend against each other for £200 aside. A new frame to be put down at Blackwells, or any other place in Green Ponds, of the usual and proper width, with a twenty-one feet distance.

26 Dec 1854 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Edward Bowden Jnr for the period ending 31 Dec 1855.

29 Feb 1856 - Newspaper advertisement.

AUCTION. All those Extensive and Valuable Business Premises, situate in the best part of the Township of Bothwell, and well known as "Bothwell Castle," together with an Excellent Garden stocked with Choice Fruit Trees, and a Small Paddock containing Three Acres. The House, which is substantially built of brick, contains thirteen rooms, and detached are buildings with extra bedrooms, six-stall stable, coach-house, sheds, and a large store thirty-five feet long by twenty-six feet wide, the whole forming a most eligible business property fronting on the three principal streets.

31 May 1858 - Henry Mylam Cockerill conveyed the property measuring 4 acres, 2 roods, 23 perches to Edward Bowden Jnr for £1100.

21 Dec 1858 - Edward Bowden (owner, occupier, inserted), public-house, out-buildings, ground, 4 acres, annual rateable value £60.

7 Nov 1862 - Newspaper advertisement.

Miss Aitken, the Tragedienne and Elocutionist, assisted by Miss Amelia Bailey, the favourite Soprano, and Mr Marquis Chisholm, the celebrated Pianist and Harmoniumist, will give a grand Elocutionary and Musical Entertainment at the following places, next week... Bothwell - Bothwell Castle, Thursday, November 13. Front Seats, 4s. Back Seats, 2s. To commence at 8 o'clock.

26 Feb 1867 - Edward Bowden (owner, occupier), public-house, out-buildings, ground, 4 acres, annual value £55.

4 Dec 1876 - Newspaper article.

LICENSING MEETING. Friday, 1st December, 1876. Certificate was granted to Mr William North for the "Bothwell Castle."

26 Feb 1867 - William North (occupier), Edward Bowden (owner), public-house, 4 acres, annual value £60.

27 Mar 1879 - Newspaper advertisement.

SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY ASSOCIATION. Public Meeting of the members of the Association will be held at North's Hotel, Bothwell on Friday, March 28, 1879, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. The Warden will take the chair. All interested in the objects of the Association are invited to attend. George W Ife, Hon Sec of the S W R Association.

22 Nov 1889 - Newspaper article.

LICENSING DISTRICT OF BOTHWELL. Annual Meeting of Licensing Bench, Monday, December 2nd, 1889. Notice is Hereby Given that the following application for a Certificate of approval of a Public-House License being granted has been received by me - James Moyes, Bothwell Castle, Bothwell. Simon Arnett, Clerk of Petty Sessions. Dated at Bothwell, this 16th day of November, 1889.

6 Nov 1891 - Newspaper article.

LICENSING DISTRICT OF BOTHWELL. Annual Meeting of Licensing Bench, December 1, 1891. Notice is Hereby Given that the undermentioned Person has applied for Justice's Certificates approving his receiving of a Public-House License - James Moyes, Castle Hotel, Bothwell. Simon Arnett, Clerk of Petty Sessions. Dated at Bothwell, this 2nd day of November, 1891.

28 Mar 1899 - Richard Bowden (occupier), Edward Bowden (owner), hotel, public hall, 2½ acres, capital value £1285, annual rateable value £84.