Map 1 - Section 25 to 26

Information contained in reports are a timeline of occurrences for each property until 1899 - who conveyed, occupied etc. Complied from records at the Tasmanian Archives, Land Titles Office, Hobart Town Gazette Valuation Rolls and newspaper articles. This is a work in progress and will be continually added to and updated.

All map sections below have been modified from the Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26
View original map on the Tasmanian Archives website here -

[1-25] Dennistoun Rd - 1a 2r 27p

17 Oct 1838 - William Lindsay conveyed to John Hunter Patterson. (2)
Bef 12 Jun 1844 - John Hunter Patterson conveyed to
David Norton however a conveyance has not been located. (1)
12 Jun 1844 - Land granted to David Norton. (1)
25 Jul 1844 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to David Norton. (1)
1 Jan 1848 - Counted on the census. David Norton (owner, occupier), wood house, completed, inhabited. (3)
8 Apr 1856 - Residence of David Norton, freehold, house, blacksmith's shop. (4)
18 May 1858 - David Norton (owner), house, blacksmith's shop, land, 1 acre, annual value £25. (5)
18 May 1858 - Charles Wait (occupier), David Norton (owner), house, annual value £8. (6)
20 Nov 1860 - David Norton (owner, occupier), house, blacksmith's shop, land, 1 acre, annual value £25. (7)
20 Nov 1860 -
Martin Kirle (occupier), David Norton (owner), part of house, annual value £5. (8)
20 Nov 1860 - Charles Wait (occupier), David Norton (owner), part of house annual value £5. (9)
17 Nov 1863 - David Norton (owner, occupier), house, blacksmith's shop, land, 1 acre, annual value £25. (10)
17 Nov 1863 - Martin Kirle (occupier), David Norton (owner), part of house, annual value £5. (11)
17 Nov 1863 - Charles Wait (occupier), David Norton (owner), part of house annual value £5. (12)
15 Nov 1864 - David Norton (owner, occupier), house, blacksmith's shop, land, 1 acre, annual value £25. (13)
15 Nov 1864 - Martin Kirle (occupier), David Norton (owner), part of house, annual value £5. (14)
15 Nov 1864 - Charles Wait (occupier), David Norton (owner), part of house, annual value £5. (15)
Bef 6 Mar 1865 -
[1-25.3] Dennistoun Rd - David Norton conveyed to John White and Simon Arnett, however a conveyance has not been located - 0a 2r 17p. (16)

For more information go to [1-25.1] Dennistoun Rd.

(1) "Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935", Libraries Tasmania, David Norton, p73/1844 ($init=RD1-1-17P73JPG).
(2) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, William Lindsay, historic deed, no 02/2148.
(3) "Householders' Census Returns for Various Districts, arranged by Parishes", Libraries Tasmania, David Norton, p141/1848 (
(4) "The Courier", (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), TROVE, Cumberland, 8 Apr 1856, p3, c5 (
(5) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, David Norton, p699/1858 (
(6) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Charles Wait, p700/1858 (
(7) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, David Norton, p1884/1860 (
(8) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Martin Kirle, p1883/1860 (
(9) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Charles Wait, p1885/1860 (
(10) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, David Norton, p2130/1863 (
(11) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Martin Kerle, p2129/1863 (
(12) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Charles Wait, p2131/1863 (
(13) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, David Norton, p2078/1864 (
(14) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Martin Kerle, p2077/1864 (
(15) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Charles Wait, p2079/1864 (
(16) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, John White, title historic, vol 4, fol 98.

Bounded on the North by three chains and thirty-five links easterly along Elizabeth Street from its angle with the main road leading from Bothwell to Dennistoun; on the East by four chains and forty-three links southerly along an allotment occupied or belonging to Edward Bowden; on the South by four chains and twenty links westerly along an allotment claimed by Edward Bowden to the main road aforesaid; and thence on the North-Western side by four chains and fifty links north-easterly along that road to the point of commencement - 1a 2r 27p. (1)

[1-25.1] Dennistoun Rd - 1a 0r 10p

Bounded on the North by three chains and thirty-five links easterly along Elizabeth Street from its angle with the main road leading from Bothwell to Dennistoun; on the East by two chains and ninety-three links southerly along land owned or occupied by William North; on the South by three chains and eighty-nine links westerly along land belonging to John White and Simon Arnett; and thence on the North-West by three chains northerly along the Dennistoun Road aforesaid to the point of commencement - 1a 0r 10p. (1)

15 Mar 1870 - Certificate of Title registered to David Norton. (2)
2 Apr 1870 - Mortgage produced from David Norton to Simon Arnett to secure £25; appointed for redemption 1 Feb 1872 with a rate of interest of £10 per centum per annum payable half yearly on the 1st of October and February. (1)
10 Oct 1873 - Discharge of the mortgage for £25 from Simon Arnett upon receipt for the whole of the money thereby secured. (1)
22 Jun 1874 -
[1-25.2] Dennistoun Rd. David Norton conveyed to Charles Kerr Ellis and eleven others as Trustees of Good Templars - 0a 0r 29½p. (1)
25 Aug 1874 - Certificate of Title registered to David Norton - 0a 3r 19½p. (3)

Bounded on the North by three chains and thirty-five links easterly along Elizabeth Street from its angle with the main road leading from Bothwell to Dennistoun; on the East by two chains and forty-four links southerly along land owned or occupied by William North; on the South by three chains and eighty links westerly along land belonging to Charles Kerr Ellis and others; and thence on the North-West by two chains fifty links northerly along the Dennistoun Road aforesaid to the point of commencement - 0a 3r 19½p. (3)

11 Oct 1877 - David Norton conveyed to Simon Arnett for £60. (3)
27 Nov 1877 - Certificate of Title registered to
Simon Arnett. (4)
19 Mar 1878 - David Norton (occupier), Simon Arnett (owner), house, annual value £10. (5)
10 Sep 1878 - Simon Arnett leased the property to David and Caroline Norton for the term of their natural lives. Rent one peppercorn per annum when demanded. (4)
22 Mar 1881 - William Stuart (occupier), Simon Arnett (owner), house, annual value £12. (6)
14 Jan 1890 - William Stuart (occupier), Simon Arnett (owner), house, mart, annual value £5. (7)
17 Sep 1894 - Simon Arnett conveyed to William Stuart for £110. (4)
29 Sep 1894 - Certificate of Title registered to
William Stuart. (8)
28 Mar 1899 - William Stuart (owner, occupier), house, garden, capital value £200, annual value £12. (9)

(1) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, David Norton, title historic, vol 10, fol 128.
(2) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Caroline Norton, p469/1867 (
(3) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, David Norton, title historic, vol 16, fol 97.
(4) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, Simon Arnett, title historic, vol 22, fol 113.
(5) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, David Norton, p495/1878 (
(6) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, William Stuart, p420/1881 (
(7) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, William Stewart, p177/1890 (
(8) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, William Stewart, title historic, vol 93, fol 154.
(9) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, William Stewart, p327/1899 (

[1-25.2] Dennistoun Rd - 0a 0r 29½p

22 Jun 1874 - David Norton conveyed to Charles Kerr Ellis and eleven others as Trustees of Good Templars. (2)
13 Aug 1874 - Certificate of Title registered to Charles Kerr Ellis and eleven others as Trustees of Good Templars. (1)
25 Feb 1879 -
James Lemon (occupier), Trustees Good Templars (owners), J Taylor (agent), house, shop, annual value £15. (3)
20 Feb 1883 - James Lemon (occupier), Trustees Good Templars (owners), house, shop, annual value £15. (4)
17 Feb 1885 - James Moyes (occupier), Trustees Good Templars (owners), house, shop, annual value £15. (5)
23 Jun 1885 - James Moyes (occupier, erased), Trustees Good Templars (owners), house, shop, annual value £15. (6)
23 Jun 1885 - George Baker (occupier, inserted), Trustees Good Templars (owners), house, shop, annual value £15. (7)
14 Jan 1890 - George Baker (occupier), Trustees Good Templars Hall (owners), house, shop, annual value £15. (8)
28 Mar 1899 - Mrs Matilda Williams (occupier), Trustees Good Templars (owner), shop, dwelling, capital value £60, annual value £3. (9)
11 Dec 1901 - Newspaper advertisement.
FRIDAY, December 20, 1901 at 10.30 o'clock sharp. Property at Bothwell. G S Crouch has been instructed to sell on the premises, day and time as above, the Shop and Dwelling in Dennistoun-street, Bothwell, now occupied by Mrs Williams, and formerly known as the Good Templars' Hall. (10)
11 Jul 1903 - Newspaper advertisement.
LOST CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. It having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Recorder of Titles that Certificate of Title hereinafter mentioned has been lost or mislaid: Notice is Given, that the Recorder of Titles, with the consent of the Lands' Titles Commissioners, will, at the date hereinafter specified, dispense with the production of the said Certificate of Title under Section 93 of "The Real Property Act." Bothwell - 0a 0r 29½p. Fronting on the Dennistoun-road, and bounded by properties purchased by David Norton, William North, and John White, and Simon Arnett. Being part of 1a 2r 27p originally granted to David Norton. Registered Volume XVI. Folio 78. Charles Kerr Ellis and Others. (11)

(1) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, Charles Kerr Ellis, title historic, vol 16, fol 78.
(2) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, David Norton, title historic, vol 10, fol 128.
(3) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, James Lemon, p373/1879(
(4) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, James Lemon, p387/1883 (
(5) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, James Moyes, p305/1885 (
(6) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, James Moyes, p861/1885 (
(7) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, George Baker, p860/1885 (
(8) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch), George Baker, p173/1890 (
(9) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Mrs Williams, p328/1899 (
(10) "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Property at Bothwell, 11 Dec 1901, p4, c7 (
(11) "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Charles Kerr Ellis - Lost Certificate of Title, 11 Jul 1903, p8, c7 (

Bounded on the North-West by fifty links south-westerly along Dennistoun Road commencing at a point distant two hundred and fifty links south-westerly from Elizabeth Street; on the South by three chains and eighty-nine links easterly along land belonging to John White and Simon Arnett; on the East by forty-nine links or thereabouts northerly along land occupied or belonging to William North; and thence on the North by three hundred and eighty links more or less westerly along land belonging to the said David Norton to the point of commencement - 0a 0r 29½p. (1)

[1-25.3] Dennistoun Rd - 0a 2r 17p

Bounded on the North by three chains eighty-nine links easterly along land belonging to David Norton commencing at a point on Dennistoun Road distant three chains in a south-westerly direction from its angle with Elizabeth Street; on the East by one chain fifty links southerly along land owned or occupied by William North; on the South by four chains and twenty links along land claimed by Diana Bowden to Dennistoun Road aforesaid; and thence on the North-West by one chain and fifty links north-easterly along that road to the point of commencement - 0a 2r 17p. (1)

Bef 6 Mar 1865 - David Norton conveyed to John White and Simon Arnett however a conveyance has not been located. (2)
6 Mar 1865 - Certificate of Title registered to
John White and Simon Arnett. (2)
22 May 1865 - John White and Simon Arnett conveyed to
Robert John Nichols for £100. (2)
29 May 1865 - Certificate of Title registered to Robert John Nichols. (1)
26 Feb 1867 - Elisha William Nichols (occupier), Robert John Nichols (owner), house, annual value £10. (3)
7 Feb 1871 - Henry Hunt (occupier), Robert John Nichols (owner), house, ground, annual value £9. (4)
20 Feb 1872 - Henry Hunt (occupier), Robert John Nichols (owner), house, ground, annual value £9. (5)
11 Mar 1873 - Ellis Love (occupier), Robert John Nichols (owner), house, annual value £9. (6)
3 Feb 1874 - Ellis Love (occupier), Robert John Nichols (owner), house, annual value £9. (7)
8 Sep 1874 - Ellis Love (occupier, erased), Robert John Nichols (owner), house, annual value £9. (8)
8 Sep 1874 - William Crockett (occupier, inserted), Robert John Nicholas (owner), house, ground, annual value £9. (9)
30 Jan 1877 - John Miller (occupier), Robert John Nichols (owner), house, annual value £9. (10)
19 Mar 1878 - William Manser (occupier), Robert John Nichols (owner), house, annual value £8. (11)
19 Mar 1878 - Charles Albert Nichols (occupier), Robert John Nichols (owner), paddock, annual value £1. (12)
25 Feb 1879 - Job Geard (occupier), Robert John Nichols (owner), house, annual value £8. (13)
25 Feb 1879 - Charles Albert Nichols (occupier), Robert John Nichols (owner), paddock, annual value £1.(14)
21 Aug 1880 - Robert John Nichols conveyed to
Charles Albert Nichols for £85. (1)
1 Mar 1881 - Certificate of Title registered to Charles Albert Nichols. (15)
22 Mar 1881 - James McGowan (occupier), Charles Albert Nichols (owner), house, annual value £13. (16)
22 Mar 1881 - Charles Albert Nichols (owner), paddock, annual value £5. (17)
21 Mar 1882 - William Manser (occupier), Charles Albert Nichols (owner), house, annual value £13. (18)
21 Mar 1882 - Charles Albert Nichols (owner), paddock, annual value £23 - [1-19.5], [1-25.3]. (19)
20 Feb 1883 - John McClure (occupier), Charles Albert Nichols (owner), house, annual value £13. (20)
20 Feb 1883 - Charles Albert Nichols (owner), paddock, annual value £23 - [1-19.5], [1-25.3]. (21)
16 Feb 1886 - John McClure (occupier), Charles Albert Nichols (owner), house, annual value £11. (22)
16 Feb 1886 - Charles Albert Nichols (owner), paddock, annual value £23 - [1-19.5], [1-25.3]. (23)
21 Feb 1888 - Robert Gorey (occupier), Charles Albert Nichols (owner), house, annual value £11. (24)
21 Feb 1888 - Charles Albert Nichols (owner), paddock, annual value £23 - [1-19.5], [1-25.3]. (25)
14 Jan 1890 - Alfred Davie (occupier), Charles Albert Nichols (owner), house, annual value £11. (26)
14 Jan 1890 - Charles Albert Nichols (owner), paddock, annual value £23 - [1-19.5], [1-25.3]. (27)
28 Mar 1899 - Richard Branch (occupier), Charles Albert Nichols (owner), cottage, land, capital value £100, annual value £7. (28)
28 Mar 1899 - Charles Albert Nichols (owner, occupier), blacksmith's, carpenter's shops, stables, capital value £200, annual value £12. (29)

(1) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, Robert John Nichols, title historic, vol 4, fol 164.
(2) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, John White, title historic, vol 4, fol 98.
(3) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Elisha William Nicholls, p469/1867 (
(4) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Henry Hunt, p187/1871 (
(5) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Henry Hunt, p407/1872 (
(6) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Ellis Love, p251/1873 (
(7) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Ellis Love, p209/1874 (
(8) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Ellis Love, p897/1874 (
(9) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, William Crockett, p898/1874 (
(10) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, John Miller, p189/1877 (
(11) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, William Manser, p495/1878 (
(12) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Charles Nicholls, p495/1878 (
(13) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Job Gearce, p372/1879 (
(14) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Charles Nicholls, p373/1879 (
(15) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, Charles Albert Nichols, title historic, vol 30, fol 109.
(16) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, James McGowan, p419/1881 (
(17) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Charles Nichols, p419/1881 (
(18) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, William Manser, p659/1882l (
(19) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Chas A Nicholas, p660/1882 (
(20) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, John McClure, p387/1883 (
(21) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Chas A Nicholas, p388/1883 (
(22) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, John McClure, p431/1886 (
(23) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Charles A Nichols, p432/1886 (
(24) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Robert Gorey, p400/1888 (
(25) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Charles C Nichols, p402/1888 (
(26) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Alfred Davie, p174/1890 (
(27) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, C A Nichols, p176/1890 (
(28) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Richard Branch, p324/1899 (
(29) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, C A Nichols, p326/1899 (

[1-26] Dennistoun Rd - 0a 2r 24p

Bounded on the north by 4 chains 20 links easterly along land located to Peter Taylor since granted to David Norton commencing at the south-west angle thereof on the main road leading from Bothwell to the northward, on the east by 1 chain 50 links southerly also along land located to the aforesaid Peter Taylor now occupied by or belonging to Burrell, on the south by 4 chains 52 links westerly along the Church and Burial Ground allotment to the aforesaid main road, and thence along that road to the point of commencement - 0a 2r 24p. (1)

25 May 1847 - Land granted to Edward Bowden. (2)
12 Jul 1848 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Edward Bowden. (2)
18 May 1858 - John Cooper (occupier), Edward Bowden Snr (owner), house, ground, annual value £9. (3)
Aft 20 Sep 1858 - Property transferred from the estate of Edward Bowden to his wife Diana (Ayres) Bowden until her death; then to be bequeathed to his daughter Eliza Warren. (4)
19 Nov 1861 - Andrew O'Hearns (occupier), Diana Bowden (owner), house, ground, annual value £9. (5)
17 Nov 1863 - Benjamin Smith Snr (occupier), Diana Bowden (owner), house, annual value £9. (6)
15 Nov 1864 - Jane Smith (occupier), Diana Bowden (owner), house, annual value £9. (7)
Aft 28 Nov 1866 - Property transferred from the estate of Diana (Ayres) Bowden to her daughter Eliza (Bowden) Warren. (4)
11 Feb 1868 - Henry Wise (occupier), Mrs Warren (owner), house, ground, annual value £9. (8)
1 Mar 1870 - Andrew O'Hearns (occupier), Mrs Warren (owner), house, ground, annual value £9. (9)
19 Mar 1878 - Andrew O'Hearns (occupier), Mrs Warren (owner), house, annual value £8. (10)
20 Feb 1883 - Andrew O'Hearns (occupier), Mrs Warren (owner), house, annual value £8. (11)
16 Feb 1886 - Mrs O'Hearns (occupier), Mrs Warren (owner), house, annual value £8. (12)
24 Feb 1891 - Mrs O'Hearns (occupier), Mrs Warren (owner), house, annual value £8. (13)
16 Feb 1892 - Mrs Ryan (occupier), Mrs Warren (owner), house, annual value £8. (14)
19 Feb 1895 - Mrs Ryan (occupier), Mrs Warren (owner), house, annual value £7. (15)
28 Mar 1899 - David Wylie (occupier), Mrs Warren (owner), cottage, land, capital value £60, annual value £3. (16)

(1) "The Courier", (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), TROVE, Edward Bowden - Commissioner's Office, 5 May 1847, p4, c5 (
(2) "Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1)", Libraries Tasmania, Edward Bowden, p27/1848 ($init=RD1-1-23P27JPG).
(3) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, John Cooper, p697/1858 (
(4) "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, James Arthur Warren, historic deed, no 11/0831.
(5) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Andrew Aherne, p1693/1861 (
(6) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Benjamin Smith, p2131/1863 (
(7) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Jane Smith, p2079/1864 (
(8) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Henry Wise, p227/1868 (
(9) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Andrew O'Harns, p359/1870 (
(10) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Andrew O'Harns, p495/1878 (
(11) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Andrew O'Harns, p388/1883 (
(12) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Mrs O'Hearne, p432/1886 (
(13) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Mrs O'Herne, p488/1891 (
(14) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Mrs Ryan, p481/1892 (
(15) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Mrs Ryan, p530/1895 (
(16) "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, David Wylie, p328/1899 (