Map 1
Sections 1 to 4

Information contained in reports are a timeline of occurrences for each property until 1899 - who conveyed, occupied etc. Complied from records at the Tasmanian Archives, Land Titles Office, Hobart Town Gazette Valuation Rolls and newspaper articles. This is a work in progress and will be continually added to and updated.

All map sections below have been modified from the Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26
View original map on the Tasmanian Archives website

[1-1] Barrack Street - 2a 3r 0p

Bounded on the North by seven chains easterly along a street commencing at the River Clyde; on the East by three chains forty links southerly along Barrack Street to its angle with Elizabeth Street; on the South by four chains and sixty-four links westerly along that street to the River Clyde; and thence by that river to the point of commencement - approx 2 acres. (1)

5 Dec 1838 - Thomas Burrill and William Lindsay conveyed to Philip Russell for £82 10s 4p - 2a 3r 0p - sum includes [1-2]. (2)

15 Oct 1855 - Newspaper advertisement.

AUCTION. Wednesday, 7th November. Valuable Township Allotments in the Centre of Bothwell. Messrs Brent & Westbrook, (Successors to) Mr T Y Lowes, Will Sell by Public Auction, at the Royal Oak Inn, Cross Marsh, (by order of the representatives of the late W Russell, Esq) on Wednesday the 7th of November, immediately after the Sale of the Stock, Two Valuable Allotments of Land situate in the centre of the Township of Bothwell, having a frontage on the river Clyde, and containing respectively three acres and one rood and two acres and three roods.
Terms - Twenty-five per cent, cash deposit; the remainder by bill at three months, bearing interest at seven percent.
For further particulars apply to R Pitcairn, Esq, or to the Auctioneers, at their Mart in Murray-street.

Bef 18 May 1858 - William Russell, Robert Russell and Joseph Gellibrand Jennings, executors of Philip Russell, conveyed to John McWaide, but a conveyance has not been located. (4)

18 May 1858 - John McWaide (owner, occupier), land, 18 acres, annual value £50 - [1-1], [2-32.2], [2-33]. By process of elimination, the remaining 11 acres are [2-Ii]. (4)

19 Nov 1861 - John McWaide (owner), house, brewery, tannery, land, 18 acres, annual value £50 - [1-1], [2-33] and 11 acres unknown but possibly [Ii]. (5)

26 Feb 1867 - John Easton (occupier), executors of John McWaide (owners), house, brewery, land, 19½ acres, annual value £40. [1-1], [2-32.2], [2-33], [2-Ii]. (6)

1 Mar 1870 - Joseph Cook (occupier), executors of John McWaide (owner), tannery, building, 6 acres, annual value £20 - [1-1], [2-33]. (7)

7 Mar 1889 - [1-1] Barrack St, Bothwell. Anna Maria (McWaide) Crossin conveyed her share to John McWaide and Peter Percy McWaide for £110 - [1-1], [2-32.2], [2-33], [2-Pp]. (8)

8 Mar 1889 - Mortgage produced from John McWaide and Peter Percy McWaide to Joseph Benson Mather to secure £125; to be repaid on 8 Mar 1892 with interest - [1-1], [2-32.2], [2-33], [2-Pp]. (1)

22 Mar 1893 - Newspaper advertisement.

AUCTION. Friday, March 24. Roberts & Company (Limited) are favoured with instructions to sell by auction, at Bothwell, day as above, at 12 o'clock sharp, and prior to the Stock Sale, by order of Messrs John McQuaide and Peter Percy McQuaide, their Three-Fourths Share in the following Properties, marked on Plan Now on View at Castle Inn...
Lot 2 - About 2 acres on the Town side of the River Clyde, bounded by the River, Elizabeth and Barrack Streets...
Terms - Cash on fall of hammer. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, or to Messrs Walker and Wolfhagen, solicitors, Hobart.


[1-2] Crokers Alley - 3a 0r 30p

Bounded on the South by three hundred and thirty-two feet seven inches easterly along Croker's Alley from its junction with the River Clyde; on the East by two hundred and thirty-one feet nine inches northerly along land occupied by or belonging to the Representatives of Robert Whiteway; again on the South by one hundred and seventy feet easterly also along that land and along a grant to John White and Simon Arnett; again on the East by one hundred and sixty-six feet northerly along Shannon Road or Barrack street; on the North by two hundred and ninety-one feet four inches westerly along Elizabeth Street to the River Clyde aforesaid, and thence by that river to the point of commencement - 3 acres, 30 perches. (1)

30 Sep 1825 - Peter Taylor conveyed to Maurice Smith - 3a 1r 18p. (2)

24 Nov 1826 - Maurice Smith conveyed to Thomas Burrill - 3a 1r 18p. (2)

5 Dec 1838 - Thomas Burrill and William Lindsay conveyed to Philip Russell for £82 10s 4d - 3a 1r 18p - sum includes [1-1]. (2)

15 Oct 1855 - Newspaper advertisement.

AUCTION. Wednesday, 7th November. Valuable Township Allotments in the Centre of Bothwell. Messrs Brent & Westbrook, (Successors to) Mr T Y Lowes, Will Sell by Public Auction, At the Royal Oak Inn, Cross Marsh, (by order of the representatives of the late W Russell, Esq) on Wednesday the 7th of November, immediately after the Sale of the Stock, Two Valuable Allotments of Land situate in the centre of the Township of Bothwell, having a frontage on the river Clyde, and containing respectively three acres and one rood and two acres and three roods. Terms - Twenty-five per cent, cash deposit; the remainder by bill at three months, bearing interest at seven percent. For further particulars apply to R Pitcairn, Esq, or to the Auctioneers, at their Mart in Murray-street. (3)

6 Jun 1856 - William Russell, Robert Russell and Joseph Gellibrand Jennings, executors of Philip Russell, conveyed to John Merry Jnr and James Merry for £110 - 3a 1r 18p. (4)

18 May 1858 - Merry Bros (owner), land, 3½ acres, annual value £5. (5)

15 Nov 1864 - John Merry Snr (occupier), John Merry Jnr (owner), paddock, 2 acres, annual value £1. (6)

26 Feb 1867 - John Merry Jnr (owner), unenclosed land, 2 acres, annual value £1. (7)

Bef 1 Mar 1870 - John Merry Jnr and James Merry conveyed to Mary (Allen) White - 3a 0r 30p. (8)

1 Mar 1870 - John Hanigan (occupier), Mary White (owner), house, ground, 2 acres, annual value £4. (8)

28 Jul 1870 - Newspaper advertisement.

CLAIMS TO GRANTS OF LAND. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself applied for a grant from the Crown of the Land set forth and described before his name : Notice is hereby given that, unless Caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate or interest in the said Lands, on or before the date herein below for each case specified, grants will issue for the said pieces of Land, as by law directed. Diagrams delineating these parcels of Land may be inspected at the Lands' Titles Office, Hobart Town, and at the Police Offices of the various Municipalities and Districts in which the Lands are situated. Bothwell - 3a 0r 30p. Bounded on the south by 332 feet 7 inches easterly along Croker's Alley from its junction with the River Clyde, on the east by 231 feet 9 inches northerly along land occupied by or belonging to the Representatives of Robert Whiteway, again on the south by 170 feet easterly also along that land and along a grant to John White and Simon Arnett, again on the east by 166 feet northerly along Shannon Road or Barrack street, on the north by 291 feet 4 inches westerly along Elizabeth Street to the River Clyde aforesaid, and thence by that river to the point of commencement, part of a location to Peter Taylor in the Parish Grantham, County of Monmouth, under whom, and Maurice Smith, Thomas Burrell, Michael Vicary, John Beaumont, William Lindsay, Philip Russell, Robert Russell, George Russell, Robert Officer, John Merry, and James Merry, applicant now claims. Mary (Allen) White, 27th August, 1870. (9)

19 Sep 1870 - Land granted to Mary (Allen) White - 3a 0r 30p. (1)

19 Mar 1878 - John White (owner), allotments, A/V £19-10s - [1-2], [1-A2], [1-A3], [1-A10], [2-A]. (10)

18 Jan 1897 - Property transferred from the estate of Mary (Allen) White to her son Leo White. (1)

31 Mar 1897 - Newspaper advertisement.

APPLICATIONS TO BE REGISTERED ON DECEASE OF PROPRIETORS. Notice is hereby given that, unless caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles by some person having estate or interest in the lands hereinafter described on or before the dates below specified, the applicants named at the foot hereof will be registered as proprietors of the said lands under "The Real Property Act." Bothwell - 3a 0r 30p. Fronting on Elizabeth and Barrack streets respectively, also on Croaker's Alley, and on the river Clyde, originally granted and registered in the name of Mary White. Leo White (application 1307 RP). Caveat must be lodged on or before the 29th day of April, 1897. (11)

8 May 1897 - Certificate of Title registered to Leo White. (12)

28 Mar 1899 - Leo White (owner), paddock, 3 acres, capital value £100, annual value £5. (13)

20 May 1899 - Newspaper article.

THE NEW ASSESSMENTS. Appeals Heard at Bothwell. A sitting of the Supreme Court was held at Bothwell on Thursday, 18th inst, when the following appeals against the local assessment roll were heard and determined by His Honor Mr Justice Mcintyre... Paddock, Croker's alley (Leo White), from £100 to £80 capital value, and £5 to £3 annual value. (14)


[1-3] Crokers Alley - 0a 2r 17p

Bounded on the East by three chains fifty-two links and one half of a link Northerly along land granted to John White and Simon Arnett commencing at the south-west angle thereof on Crokers Alley; on the North by on chain and seventy-three links westerly along land granted to Mary White; on the West by three chains and fifty-seven links southerly also along that land to Crokers Alley aforesaid; and thence on the South by one chain and sixty-nine links easterly along that alley to the point of commencement - 2 roods, 17 perches. (1)

7 Sep 1841 - Newspaper article.

PETER FRASER, Sheriff. Broadribb v Lewis (Wm); Lewis v same; at Bothwell, on Wednesday Sept 22, at 1 o'clock. Household furniture, and sundry other effects; also defendant's right, title, and interest in and to two allotments of land with buildings thereon, and one bare piece of land; unless these executions are previously satisfied. (2)

30 Sep 1841 - Peter Fraser (Sheriff) conveyed to George Larkins the land, four dwelling houses and premises for £48 by virtue of the Office of Sheriff after a certain Writ of Execution issued out of the Supreme Court directed in a certain cause wherein one William Broadbribb was plaintiff and one William Lewis was defendant and of a levy and sale made by virtue of the said Writ of Execution all the right title and interest of William Lewis. (30)

1 Jan 1842 - Counted on the census. James King (occupier), George Larkins (owner), wood house, completed, inhabited. (4)

1 Jan 1842 - Counted on the census. James Lomas (occupier), George Larkins (owner), wood house, completed, inhabited. (5)

10 Jan 1846 - Mortgage produced from George Larkins to Henry Hopkins, William Rout and George Washington Walker to secure £450 to be repaid on 28 Dec 1850 with interest of £7 per centum per annum payable quarterly - [1-3], [1-20], [1-B5], [1-E2], [1-F1]. (6)

Bef 5 Feb 1846 - George Larkins conveyed to Robert Whiteway the property with four dwelling house and premises situated thereon. Stated in the will of Robert Whiteway..."To pay George Larkins during the term of his natural life, an annuity of £80 which is charged upon certain lands and hereditaments at Bothwell purchased by me from George Larkins subject to the payment of the said annuity and of a mortgaged debt also charged thereon. (7)

1 Jan 1848 - Counted on the census - James King (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), wood house, completed, inhabited. (8)

18 May 1858 - John Blagg (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, ground, annual value £12. (9)

15 Nov 1864 - John Blagg (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, garden, annual value £12. (10)

26 Feb 1867 - John Blagg (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, garden, annual value £8. (11)

26 Feb 1867 - Mary Ann Glover (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), part of house, annual value £4. (12)

1 Mar 1870 - Maria Burrows (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), part of house, annual value £2 4s. (13)

4 Aug 1870 - Newspaper advertisement.

MORTGAGEE AUCTION. Pursuant to the Proviso contained in an Indenture dated, the tenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty-six and made between George Larkins of Bothwell in Tasmania, Yeoman, of the one part and Henry Hopkins of Hobart Town in Tasmania Esquire and William Rout and George Washington Walker (both since deceased) of the other part. Notice is hereby given that default having been made in payment of the principal moneys secured by the said indenture it is the intention of the said Henry Hopkins to cause the lands and hereditaments comprised in the said Indenture to be exposed for sale by public auction by Messieurs Brent and Westbrook of Hobart Town Auctioneers at their mart in Collins-street on Friday the twenty-sixth day of August instant at noon with the lands and hereditaments so to be exposed for sale are described in the said indenture, as: All that Allotment of piece of Land situate and being in Bothwell aforesaid and bounded on the front or south side by one chain and seventy-five links along Alexander-street commonly called Croaker's Alley, at the back on the north side by one chain and seventy-five links along land now or late belonging to Philip Russell, on the west side by three chains and sixty-nine links along land now or late also belonging to the said Philip Russell, and on the east side by three chains and sixty-seven links along land now or late belonging to George Ibbott. Together with the four dwelling houses and premises thereon erected and built. Dated this third day of August 1870. Allport, Roberts & Allport, Solicitors to the Mortgagees. (14)

27 Aug 1870 - Messrs Brent and Westbrook report a sale held by them this day, at their mart, saw this property withdrawn. (15)

11 May 1894 - Newspaper advertisement.

CLAIMS TO GRANTS OF LAND. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself applied for a grant from the Crown of the Land set forth and described before his name: Notice is hereby given that, unless Caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate or interest in the said Lands, on or before the date herein below for each case specified, Grants will issue for the said pieces of Land as by Law directed. Diagrams delineating these parcels of Land may be inspected at the Lands Titles Office, Hobart. Town of Bothwell - 0a 2r 17p. Simon Arnett and William Mason (Application 980G). Caveat must be filed on or before the 6th day of June, 1894. (16)

19 Jul 1894 - Land granted to Simon Arnett and William Tasman Mason. (1)

31 Aug 1894 - Newspaper advertisement.

FOR SALE. Westbrook Bros are instructed to offer for sale at the Castle Hotel, Bothwell, on Wednesday, October 3 next, the following Desirable Property in Bothwell. Two roods 17 perches of land, having a frontage of 1 chain 69 links on Croaker's Alley, and a depth of 3 chains 57 links. Title - Under Real Property Act. Terms - 25 per cent, cash deposit; balance on completion. Reference - Messrs Dobson, Mitchell, and Allport. (17)

6 Dec 1894 - Simon Arnett and William Tasman Mason conveyed to Leo White with other land for £76 - sum includes [1-B5.2]. (1)

31 Dec 1894 - Certificate of Title registered to Leo White - 0a 2r 17p. (18)


[1-4] Crokers Alley - 0a 1r 3½p

Bounded on the South-East by two hundred and thirty-four feet seven inches north-easterly along Shannon Road or Barrack Street from its angle with Croaker's Alley; on the North by forty feet nine inches westerly along land occupied by or belonging to Thomas Jones; on the West by two hundred and thirty-three feet five inches southerly along land occupied by or belonging to Samuel Blackwell to Croaker's Alley aforesaid; and thence on the South by forty-six feet four inches easterly along that alley to the point of commencement - 1 rood, 3½ perches. (1)

22 Feb 1869 - Land granted to John White and Simon Arnett. (2)

24 Jun 1870 - Simon Arnett conveyed his share to John White for £50 - sum includes [1-4], [1-9]. (2)

7 Jul 1870 - Certificate of Title registered to John White. (3)

10 Dec 1885 - Certificate of Title registered to John White. (4)

13 Jan 1897 - John White conveyed to Leo White for £5. (4)

1 Feb 1897 - Certificate of Title registered to Leo White. (5)




  1. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, John McWade, historic deed, no 08/2045.

  2. The List: Properties & Titles, Thomas Burrill, historic deed, no 02/2236.

  3. TROVE: The Courier (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), "Valuable Township Allotments," 15 Oct 1855, p3 ( (

  4. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John McWaide, p698/1858 (

  5. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John McWaide, p1695/1861 (

  6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Easton, p467/1867 (

  7. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Joseph Cook, p356/1870 (

  8. The List: Properties & Titles, John McWaide, historic deed, no 08/2044.

  9. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Auction," McQuaid, 22 Mar 1893, p4 (


  1. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Mary White, land grant historic, vol 17, fol 80.

  2. The List: Properties & Titles, Thomas Burrill, historic deed, no 02/2236.

  3. TROVE: The Courier (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), "Valuable Township Allotments," 15 Oct 1855, p3 ( (

  4. The List: Properties & Titles, William Russell, historic deed, no 04/3036.

  5. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Merry Bros, p698/1858 (

  6. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Merry Jnr, p2078/1864 (

  7. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Merry Jnr, p468/1867 (

  8. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Hannigan, p357/1870 (

  9. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Claims to Grants of Land," White, 28 Jul 1870, p4 (

  10. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John White, p496/1878 (

  11. TROVE: Launceston Examiner (TAS : 1842-1899), "Application to be Registered," White, 31 Mar 1897, p8 (

  12. The List: Properties & Titles, Leo White, title historic, vol 102, fol 151.

  13. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Leo White, p328/1899 (

  14. The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "The New Assessments," 20 May 1899, p1 (


  1. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Simon Arnett, land grant historic, vol 69, fol 61.

  2. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Sherrif's Office," Broadribb v Lewis, 7 Sep 1841, p4 (

  3. The List: Properties & Titles,George Larkins, historic deed, no 02/4832.

  4. Libraries Tasmania: Census Returns for Various Districts, Tasmania (CEN1), James King, p287/1842 (

  5. Census Returns for Various Districts, Tasmania (CEN1), James Lomas, p285/1842 (

  6. The List: Properties & Titles, George Larkins, historic deed, no 03/1572.

  7. Libraries Tasmania: Copies of Wills Recording Granting of Probate, 1825-1989 (AD960), Robert Whiteway, no 1141/1865 (

  8. Census Returns for Various Districts, Tasmania (CEN1), James King, p277/1848 (

  9. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Blagg, p697/1858 (

  10. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Blagg, p2076/1864 (

  11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Blagg, p466/1867 (

  12. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Mary Ann Glover, p467/1867 (

  13. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Maria Burrowes, p356/1870 (

  14. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Pursuant to the Proviso," 4 Aug 1870, p1 (

  15. The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Commercial Intelligence," 27 Aug 1870 p2 (

  16. The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Claims to Grants of Land," Arnett, 11 May 1894, p4 (

  17. The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "For Sale," 31 Aug 1894, p4 (

  18. The List: Properties & Titles, Leo White, title historic, vol 94, fol 109.


  1. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), John White & Simon Arnett, p136/1869 (

  2. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, John White, land grant historic, vol 14, fol 97.

  3. The List: Properties & Titles, John White, title historic, vol 11, fol 14.

  4. The List: Properties & Titles, John White, title historic, vol 49, fol 179.

  5. The List: Properties & Titles, (, Leo White, title historic, vol 101, fol 159.